Technology Today: Using Online Resources to Connect Better with Today’s Students Rachel Wright Junio: MEP Administrator, Eastern NC Barbara Patch: MEP Director, New Hampshire
OBJECTIVES Introduce practitioners to a variety of online tools to create and enhance instruction to OSY Apply knowledge of these online tools to create or enhance a mini-lesson
Agenda Introductions Challenges Introductions to Tools Breakout Groups Lesson Creation Tools Lesson Enhancing Tools Lesson Delivery Tools Breakout Groups
Go to: Text: RACHELWRIGHT015 22333 Who’s in the Room? Go to: Text: RACHELWRIGHT015 22333
Technology Tools address many of these issues! Challenges What are some of the biggest challenges of teaching OSY? Go to: Text: RACHELWRIGHT015 22333 Time Availability Motivation Isolation (of housing and of OSY) Technology Tools address many of these issues!
Lesson Creation Tools Online tools that allow you to create and/or assign lessons Migrant Literacy Net NewsELA Duolingo PowToon
Migrant Literacy Net AVAILABLE FREE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS & STUDENTS: One hundred forty-one reading lessons across the five reading dimensions at the K-12 level and for OSY (field tested and complete) online on the Migrant Literacy NET Reading and writing resources for parents to assist their children to read (in English and Spanish) online on the Migrant Literacy NET Eighty-six writing lessons (field tested and complete) online on the Migrant Literacy NET Forty-forty math lessons in English/Spanish (field tested and complete) online on the Migrant Literacy NET Eleven study skills lessons (field tested and complete) online on the Migrant Literacy NET Sixteen OSY lessons (field tested and complete) online on the Migrant Literacy NET Pre and post test assessments for each lesson online on the Migrant Literacy NET Electronic Success Plans to track student progress online on the Migrant Literacy NET that can be transferred electronically to teachers anywhere Electronic Graduation Plans to help overcome barriers to success online on the Migrant Literacy NET Two-hundred-sixty online reading tutorials in both English & Spanish which students can access anywhere all with audio and pre-test and post-test scores. On-line screeners to identify kids specific reading needs in both English and Spanish across all reading dimensions at both the emergent and developmental reading levels Screeners automatically assign online tutorials to kids based on needs.
NewsELA Create Text Sets Select Lexile Levels Bilingual articles Assessments already created Track student progress
Duolingo Create a classroom Assign lessons and track student progress Educator Certification
PowToon Create videos Send videos Quick and easy
Lesson Enhancing Tools Online tools that allow you to enhance lessons a. Thinglink b. QR Code Generator c. Instagrok d. Virtual Field Trips e. Assessment: Kahoot!, Quizlet Live, Socrative, Poll Everywhere
Assessment Tools Kahoot Socrative Can do team or individual Instant feedback Competitive/game show setup Text limit Individual No text limit Better for more formal assessments or exit tickets Quizlet Live Team setup Best for vocabulary concept checks Competitive/game setup
Quizlet and Quizlet Live Let’s see how we can use Quizlet to enhance the mini lesson on Germs
Lesson Delivery Online tools designed to help you deliver lessons in an online format a. WhatsApp b. Skype c. RemindMe d. EdModo
Delivery Platforms Via Cell Phone Via Computer WhatsApp Facetime RemindMe Google Drive Skype GoToWebinar Zoom What are some other delivery platforms? What are the drawbacks or benefits of using these?
EdModo Social Media setup Can access easily from phone Provide links and feedback immediately Create quizzes and automatically generate grades JOIN MY CLASS Ib9exd
Breakout Groups Get into the groups assigned to you by Quizlet Live! Discuss the following with your group: What other technology tools have been useful in your instruction with OSY? Record your answers on our EdModo site so that everyone can see your responses
Breakout Groups Get into the groups assigned to you by Quizlet Live! We will all be looking at the Life Skills Lesson: preparing for a job Plan how you will utilize at least three of the technology tools to enhance your lesson Each group will also have an opportunity to rotate to Q&A tables After 30 minutes, we will share our ideas
Contact Information Rachel Wright Junio Eastern NC Administrator 919-807-3919; Barbara Patch NH MEP Director 603-391-8720;