REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LAB ~ APPALACHIA The Effects of Kentucky Virtual High School’s Hybrid Course in Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent Learning On-Line Collaboration April 2008 Series Connections to Multiple Representations of Linear Equations & Planning for Instruction
GOALS FOR ON-LINE COLLABORATION On-line Collaboration using Horizon Wimba: Share teaching strategies/resources, Discuss planning instruction, Analyze student work, Share formative and summative assessment instruments/strategies that move learning forward, Provide instructional structures where “feedback is focused on how students can improve related to learning goals,” Others as defined by teachers and as need to address issues in the field – including new learning that promotes student achievement. Set up purpose for the hour, emphasize the importance of sharing and addressing the disconnect students seem to have between the lab time and classroom time.
NUTS & BOLTS Technology Issues Control Panel Hints May On-Line Series – Student Work?? If you have created any tracking tools or projects please send them to us so that we can capture evidence and tell the story!
HYBRIDALGEBRA PBWIKI SPACE TOUR Password- algebra or sign-in to your PBwiki acount Attaching Work Choose “Edit Page” Choose “Attach File” Click browse, find file, choose “Open” Choose “Upload” After file uploads, choose “OK” Posting a comment or entering into dialogue Option 1: Choose “Edit Page”, type in your addition w/ (name) Option 2: Choose “Comments” Tab at top of page and add your comment
For your personal account Sign-In Screen For your personal account “algebra”
Edit Page Comments To find the file To Attach a file When ready to insert
LESSON DESIGN USING KVS LESSONS Learning Cycle: Activating Prior Knowledge, New Learning, Reflections Vocabulary: Critical to communicating understanding Multiple Representations: NAGS where Numbers within the table of values, Algebra within the equation, Graph of the algebraic equation, Sentence to describe the mathematics Learning Goals: Verbalizing these goals with students and connecting to the Program of Studies Walk through the lesson with them
KVS LESSONS 16, 17, & 12 LESSON 12: Slope–intercept of a line LESSON 16: Solving systems using substitution LESSON 17: Solving systems using elimination
POINTS of DISCUSSION What questions are posed to students that engage them in mathematical discourse? Will they support students in constructing meaning? How and what can you anticipate regarding student responses? How do you transition from f2f to independent/virtual environment? How do you transition back? Is your tracking tool scaffolded & open-ended? How are you pushing your students to think beyond recall? Is critical vocabulary developed? How?
NCTM- Equity means: “Community members respect one another and value others' contributions. Schools accept all experiences, beliefs, and ways of knowing mathematics. Students and teachers have access to all necessary resources for optimal learning and personal growth. High expectations, culturally relevant practices, attitudes that are free of bias, and unprejudiced beliefs expand and maximize the potential for learning. All students have access to and engage in challenging, rigorous, and meaningful mathematical experiences.” Specifically for our students embed the functional notation, even though the NROC course does not. (NCTM Position Statement on Equity, 2008)
SHARING STRATEGIES, PROCESSES, & STRUCTURES Mathematical Literacy Strategies - Vocabulary Development - Writing to Learn - Reading to Learn - Academic Dialogue - Technology - Manipulatives - Modeling
SHARING STRATEGIES, PROCESSES, & STRUCTURES (continued) Formative or Summative Assessments Created and Used Instructional Issues or Barriers You Are Facing or Encountering Shared Experiences and/or Suggestions from Colleagues (Community of Learners) Processes, Structures, and/or Lessons that Promote Student Achievement Others
REMINDERS Office Hours: Monday from 9-10 AM & Tuesdays 1 -2. April On-Line Series ( Tue 1ST, Wed 2ND, Thur 3RD ) May On-Line Series (Thru 8TH, Mon- Wed 19TH – 21ST ) Best Wishes during KCCT Testing sessions!!!! Help Line: - Bb: 866-590-9240 - KDE, Paula White: 502-564-4772(#4512) - KDE, Kari Welch: 502-564-4772 (#4546), - KDE, Grace Yeh: 502-564-4772 (#4537) - Identify yourself as HYBRID ALGEBRA I TEACHER POLYGON