Daily Question Manor system lord provides: Peasants provide:


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Presentation transcript:

Daily Question Manor system lord provides: Peasants provide:

Out of the “Dark Ages”?

Objective Understand the rise of the Catholic Church as political leaders of Western Europe Understand Charlemagne’s impact on the development of the later medieval period

Christianity after the fall of the Roman Empire

The Rise of the Papacy After the fall of Rome, there was no single authority to maintain order in society Catholic Church fills the void left by Rome Bishop of Rome becomes the Pope (father) Peter is considered the 1st Pope to many Christians

The Rise of Papacy Constantine calls the Council of Nicea to organize Christian beliefs (325) Heresy-those who oppose or differ from the traditional teachings of the Christian Church Organizing the Christian Church forced many to abandon their beliefs or die

Growth of the Church Conversions throughout Europe: Pope Gregory I Clovis King of the Franks Anglo-Saxons Archbishop of Canterbury becomes head of English Church Pope Gregory I Helped develop Church teaching during the medieval period Monasticism-center of Christian life; where Christian learning takes place (Monks)

Charlemagne Einhard was a gov’t official during the time of Charlemagne Charlemagne: 6 ft. Tall…well above the typical 5 ft. Piercing eyes, fair hair, and thick neck A great warrior…conquered Spain in the west to the Danube River in the East Goal was to unite Germanic tribes under one Christian kingdom

Important Events in the life of Charlemagne Pepin III, his father, helped Pope defend Rome Charlemagne helps Pope defend Rome from Lombards in 774 CE Marched into Italy to defeat the Lombards

Important Events in the life of Charlemagne December 25, 800 CE Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne Emperor Christian coronation provides legitimacy to any king/emperor RESULT: THE POPE MAKES KINGS AND EMPERORS Europe united under new Christian kingdom (Christendom) called the Holy Roman Empire

Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire in 800 CE

The Holy Roman Empire Created the Feudal system-giving land to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military service Carolingian Renaissance-attempt by Charlemagne to revive Roman civilization

The Carolingian Renaissance Emphasis on Education Many people, including the clergy, were illiterate Importance of literacy-the ability to read and write Carolingian miniscule-writing standard using spaces between words and capital letters

An Early 10th Century manuscript that uses the Carolingian miniscule An Early 10th Century manuscript that uses the Carolingian miniscule. Charlemagne endorsed this script to help make his people more literate

After Charlemagne Charlemagne dies in 814 CE His empire becomes weak…breaks into 3 different kingdoms Treaty of Verdun, 814 CE Eventually would be invaded by Muslims, Magyars, and Vikings

The split of Charlemagne’s Empire in 814 CE The split of Charlemagne’s Empire in 814 CE. Known as the Treaty of Verdun, it gave each son of Charlemagne his own area to control

The impact of Charlemagne Created a Christian kingdom under his leadership Improved education, literacy, and writing Created feudalism It could be argued that he pulled most of Western Europe out of the Dark Ages 1. 2. 3.

Question Describe one impact Charlemagne had on Western Europe during the medieval period. You must use at least one supporting detail.