African Statistical Development Indicators Oliver Chinganya Director, African Centre for Statistics PARIS21 Marketplace Paris, 5-6 April 2017
African Statistical Development Indicators 2 Initiative The African Statistical Development Indicators (ASDIs) - an initiative developed to ensure a sustainable monitoring and assessing of the national statistical system Purposes meet the challenge of lack of reliable data to track & report the achievements in national development, SDGs and agenda 2063 to monitor the progress in statistical development Committee on Statistics UNECA.ORG
African Statistical Development Indicators 3 How does it lead to strengthening national statistical capacity, and/or contribute to implementing the SDGs and 2030 Agenda ASDIs measures, monitor and report the strengths & weaknesses of a given dimension of the NSS hence providing an opportunity to make appropriate decisions – including policy intervention Consequently, countries will be in a better position to report the performance in achieving SDGs and agenda 2063. UNECA.ORG
African Statistical Development Indicators How it works Compiled on an annual bases to support statistical production by enhancing the processes of data collection, data compilation, and statistical analysis Supports the production of harmonized data to allow comparison between countries on the different domains (dimensions), as well as assessing statistical performance of each country through time Committee on Statistics UNECA.ORG