The ACC PORTAL TECHNICAL TEAM WGISS-27 Toulouse, France May 2009
ACC TECHNICAL TEAM (Current) DLR (WDC-RSAT) Beate Hildenbrand, lead Peter Sommer Oleg Goussev Séverine Benonville NASA Francis Lindsay, lead Greg Leptoukh Chris Lynnes Jianfu Pan Washington University in St. Louis - (DataFed) Stefan Falke, lead (Northrop Grumman) Rudolf Husar Erin Robinson
ACC PORTAL MISSION STATEMENT Provide access, tools, and contextual guidance to scientists and value-adding organizations in using remotely sensed atmospheric composition data, information, and services. The ACC Portal will help to foster interoperability and application of AC data, information and services worldwide.
ACC TECH TEAM CHARTER (tentative) The ACC Portal Technical Team will: … help to ensure the efficient leveraging of existing atmospheric composition data, tools and related resources for the CEOS ACC Portal. … help to coordinate near-term capabilities within the ACC portal thus supporting research and data users in Air Quality, Climate, and Stratospheric Ozone communities. … provide an integrated perspective on the needed ACC technologies, protocols and information technology standards spanning the participating agencies and other affiliates.
ACC PORTAL TECH TEAM (TT) TASKS Conduct an inventory of existing agency and community tools pertinent to ACC. This inventory should include: Identify key atmospheric tools and services (What is available?) Analysis of the functional capabilities of these tools (What can they do?) How can the existing tools best be harmonized taking the multitude of complex data and system structures into account. (How can they work together?) The overall goal is to identify the well known AC systems and not to complete a comprehensive overview of all possible tools. The TT will also identify known users for the tools and systems noted in the inventory. NASA and DLR/WDC-RSAT TT will begin its focus on some well known tools (Basic Envisat Atmospheric Toolbox, Giovanni, Data Fed Services, etc.) highlighting how harmonization and interoperability can be achieved. Currently the TT is arranging a kick-off meeting/discussion to review inventory issues. Using a wiki the TT will develop a short white paper over the next several months revealing key aspects of this inventory.
AC Portal Institutional View CEOS Constellations Near Real-Time WIST Giovanni WDC-RSAT A-Train Depot DataFed UWis IDEA Web Mapping Portal Tailored user driven Data & Information access and enhanced services GEO Portals including video and computing on demand Virtual Lab for Spectroscopic Data AC Portal Institutional View Grid facilities Data publication with Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) = connectivity between portal contributors
UPDATE ON SCHEDULE Initial ACC portal objectives & design 15 May 2009 DLR/NASA AC tools evaluation 1 July 2009 ACC portal prototype 15 Sep 2009