Answer the following questions in your journal: How can a citizen preserve freedom? How do the texts that we’ve read address the evolution or the changing state of freedom?
Unit 4 Project Assignment For Unit Four you will complete a digital media project where you will assess what the “American Dream” is, and how we can achieve the dream. Things to consider: How would you define the American Dream? How do the texts that we’ve read define the American Dream? Does it even exist? What can we do to protect the dream? What is a digital media project? A digital media project is a project where you assess the various questions and objectives, and then create a visual project based upon those objectives These can be digital posters, videos, audio recordings, an online portfolio, or infographics, just to give a few examples. What you end up creating may be based off of what direction your answers take. Be creative with assessing the questions and criteria to the project.
Some examples of a digital media project:
What is expected? Regardless of which approach you take to the project, you are expected to address the leading questions using textual evidence based off of the novels/poems/short texts we’ve read in class. You are also expected to create a well-thought-out project that is professional looking and clear in its purpose. These will be presented in class on Monday, so work hard during this week to develop your project. You will not have the entire class period every day, so use your time wisely and utilize Bull Time as needed.
Class Timeline – Rest of Semester 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 Begin working and developing project DE Final Benchmark (County) Project Test Prep Present Projects (Constructed Response) (Multiple Choice) (Both)
Take the rest of the day to answer the leading questions and begin developing your project.