How to use this template Whether your idea is a business improvement idea, or a new business idea use this template to give us some background on what your idea is. Each one of the subject areas in this template should be addressed You should submit a maximum of 10-12 slides for an idea to be considered. The level of detail that you submit should reflect the level of your idea. On completion please return back to the Nexus website to accept terms and conditions and upload your idea proposal
What’s the Idea? Please include here a summary overview about exactly what your idea is
What’s the Impact? Detail here what benefits your idea will bring if implemented e.g: Increased business functionality – how and what? Increase productivity – how? Save costs – how? Generate revenue – how? A system flaw you see in your day to day – how can we improve this? Any other benefits…. If you can try to quantify the above with some figures to show what impact this will have
Share your Vision… What is the end product/end result? How do you see it working – stand alone, or within the current business operations? Any other details of how you think this will work and the end results
Build your case What are your initial costs? What savings/revenues do you expect? How will this help Exclusive Group?
Thank You