BWLA Extraordinary General meeting 14th January 2006
The project The integration into One NGB of all the Divisional Associations and a decision as to how best to resolve the management/ membership and financial reconciliation. The integration of Home Country Governing Bodies and Disability Associations into a coherent GB structure
Resolutions 2 Recommendation four: 4.1 The Sport at a UK level is re-structured as follows: 4.2 An Executive Board made up of a Membership of 7 with a Representative from Each Home Country (4) and three further non-Executive members included independent Chairman. 4.3 We recommend that the non-executive Directors should come from outside of the sport including the legal and finance profession and also from the private sector for example the private fitness sector. 4.4 This body will have direct responsibility for Ethics, discipline and finance. This body will be supported buy three committees one for each of the three disciplines of Weightlifting, Powerlifting and Disability lifting. Each of these bodies would have membership from each of the Home Countries. In turn these bodies would have sub-committees to deal with Technical matters, Competition, Performance and Broadening participation. 4.5 That Terms of reference are agreed for each level of the new structure 4.6 That levels of competence are applied to the BWLA Board AGM Decision: Accepted the need for a Board (of 7) however this should be completely competence based and not “one country one member”
Evolving structure BWLA Executive Board Membership of 7 Membership All competence based Executive members including Chairman elected by the Board. Appointed by a panel in the first instance and then by the AGM. Membership Ethics Discipline and appeals Competitions British Performance Coaching Power Lifting Weight Lifting Paralympic lifting Finance Participation Duplicated in each discipline Special Olympics Refereeing
Development Plan for 2006-9 An increase of people participating in the sport An increase in the quality and quantity of clubs International success Governance and organisation of the sport.
Vision By the year 2012 the British Weight Lifter’s Association will work in partnership to be a Successful, Vibrant, Popular, Sustainable, Flourishing Club- based sport.
Key Goals Goal 1 People – Lifters (at all levels), Coaches, Officials, Volunteers Weight Lifting will provide equitable support to develop the lifters, coaches, officials and the volunteers involved in the sport. Goal 2 Strong, Sustainable Clubs and Competitive structure Through the development of clubs and a logical competition structure Weight Lifting will be a strong and sustainable sport Goal 3 International success Weight Lifting will identify potential International Lifter’s support them through to International success Goal 4 Organisational Structure Weight Lifting in the UK will be structured in a way to support and enhance the development of the sport.
Consultation Member’s consultation on the vision and key goals: January 2006 Consultation on the full plan: January 23rd – February 5th Members of the Association as asked for their views on the key goals identified above. The draft plan will be circulated and available on the BWLA Website.
Further comments Simon Kirkland 0870 770 5140 07766 768 474