SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE COMMISSION Jon E. Carrier MASRO PRESIDENT Former - Executive Board member for NASRO, which trains School Based Officers Nationally & Internationally for the last 27 years. President – MASRO, which trains and advocates for School Based Police Officers in Maryland for the last 19 years. I am a full time (SRO) School Resource Officer for the last 17 years and 29 years in Law Enforcement.
SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE COMMISSION Edward A. Clarke, Executive Director Maryland Center for School Safety November 2013 to Present 42 Years of Combined Law Enforcement/Public Safety, School Safety/Security, Emergency Preparedness Experience with the Montgomery County, Department of Police, Montgomery County Public Schools, and Maryland Center for School Safety Community Policing/Problem Solving Promoter
SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE COMMISSION 2018 Maryland Safe to Lean Act of 2018 - Senate Bill 1265 Signed into law by Governor Hogan Changes the landscape of school safety in Maryland Restructures the Maryland Center for School Safety (Center) Creates a School Safety Subcabinet/Governing Board and School Safety Subcabinet Advisory Board Center staff and budget significantly increase Requires appointment of local school system mental health services and school safety coordinators - 09-01-18 Need to coordinate mental health services for students
SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE COMMISSION 2018 Maryland Safe to Learn Act of 2018 - Senate Bill 1265 Center to collect data on use for force utilized by SRO and school security employee towards a student while engaged in their respective duties Subcabinet to develop Model Threat Assessment Policy by 09-01-18 Each LSS by 09-01-19 shall adopt policy for establishing appropriate number of trained Threat Assessment Teams Each public school to complete safety evaluation by June 15, 2019
SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE COMMISSION 2018 Maryland Safe to Lean Act of 2018 - Senate Bill 1265 Increased FY 2019 Funding to Support the Act $2.5 million for Center staff and operations $2.5 million in Center grants for school safety $10 million in MSDE grants for school safety $10 million for Interagency Committee on School Construction (IAC) grants for safety related operating & capital projects $10 million in capital budget funding for IAC grants FY 2020 and beyond $10 million for added SROs
SCHOOL TO PRISON PIPELINE COMMISSION 2018 Maryland Safe to Lean Act of 2018 - Senate Bill 1265 Center to develop a SRO Curriculum in consultation with LSS by 09- 01-18 & approved by Police Training & Standards Commission De-Escalation, Disability Awareness, Positive School Climate, Constructive Interactions with Students, Implicit Bias, Disability & Diversity Awareness with specific attention to racial & ethnic disparities Center to obtain information on number of SROs in MD Center to develop guidelines for adequate law enforcement (LE) coverage for responding to school emergencies LSS in consultation with local LE to submit plan for adequate LE coverage if SROs not assigned to all high schools
The Maryland Center for School Safety developing a comprehensive SRO Curriculum 40 Hour Curriculum to include key content areas of: History of SRO Programs, Role of School Administrators, School Disciple/Code of Conduct, Role of SRO as Mentor, Counselor, and Educator, SRO/Student Relationship Building Multi-teared Systems of Support, Student Victimization, Prevention/Intervention Practices, De-Escalation, Disability Awareness, Positive School Climate, Constructive Interactions with Students, Implicit Bias, Disability & Diversity Awareness with specific attention to racial & ethnic disparities
40 Hour Curriculum to include key content areas of: Special Education/Special Needs Awareness, Bullying, Gang, and Social Media Awareness, Trauma Informed Care/Interventions Adolescent Development, Mental Health Awareness and Services, Substance Abuse, Indicators and Behaviors of Concern, Community Policing/Problem Solving, School Law, FERPA/HIPA, Official Interactions with Students, School Threat Assessment, and School Emergency Preparedness and Response Practices Enhanced and Specialized Training for both SROs, School Administrators, School Security and other School Staff will be developed and delivered