U.S. Government Spring 2017 Mrs Kemp Room 263
Rank these values In importance to the individual In importance to society respect justice honor democracy equality opportunity responsibility liberty security Rank these values
Have our values changed over time?
Listen to this NPR story on Senator Jeff Sessions and his nomination for Attorney General. What values come up?
This week’s Questions Take NOTE…you will need a notebook. What is the role of government? How does our Constitution structure this role? To what extent do government policies and actions align with our founding values? What is democracy? Does it always work? Take NOTE…you will need a notebook. This week’s Questions
Me “You cannot effectively participate in a democracy without understanding how it works.” At your table, introduce yourselves, and.. What are the important qualities of a president? When do you turn 18? Share out: re-cap names and which quality your group believed to be most important. Introductions
This Course Government is different from other history courses. Semester Overview Examine the syllabus…. What is different from other classes or teachers? Questions? This Course
Subject & Themes of Course Unit I: Who has power? How do decision makers use their power to serve the people? As you watch the video.. Consider the significance of the political topics discussed on late-night-TV What current issues come up? Jimmy Fallon & Election 2016 Subject & Themes of Course
Why does the U.S. government need an intelligence agency? Should the public be concerned that Trump questions intelligence gathered by the CIA? Read the article and respond to the questions in writing. Tonight’s Assignment