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Home Project #1 Who: CFA III What: RSVP cards as “The Box Project” When: Due Oct 5th but plans are due as homework on Mon, Sept 14th in class (see entry on calendar) Where: Plans and started in class –finished at home How: Using any mixture of materials –your choice and your RSVP card to dictate smallest size possible Why: To show Mrs D and your classmates what you can/want to do as an artist right now to make a formally impressive creative space when you really put your mind to it: Impress us.
THE BOX PROJECT details: DUE OCTOBER 5th This must be no smaller than 5x7 inches and as large as you like. It must show at least 2 inches of activated depth and demonstrate excellent craftsmanship. It should show us what you can do as an artist right now and allows you to interpret a box in any way you choose. Please prepare a statement explaining your process and artist guide for the critique. * Please remember to have a page of development in your RWBs that will be due on 10-13 when RWB is due