The difference between compulsory science (Combined Science) and the option (Separate Sciences)
New Science Specifications for 1st examination in Summer 2018 Content offered by all examination boards is identical No controlled assessment / ISA’s Practical skills examined in the examinations No modules / terminal examination Increased content to cover We are following the AQA course Year 9 students have started their GCSE course. Increased content will mean students will need to be working independently developing their knowledge so as we can focus on developing skills in lessons. Mainly same content in Combined (the old DA) and Separates (the old TA), Separates just go into a little more depth – so no problem with combined students going on to study A level sciences. Increased maths demands. In physics students have to learn a number of formulae off by heart and then apply others they are given on a data sheet. Support • Challenge • Succeed
New Science Specifications for 1st examination in Summer 2018 Grades replaced by numbers 1-1 to 9-9 (9-9 is the highest grade / above A*)) On the higher paper 60% of the marks are aimed at grades 7 to 9 Support • Challenge • Succeed
Compulsory - Combined Science: Trilogy Spec code 8464 Study all 3 science subjects; Biology, Chemistry and Physics 3 specialist teachers 9 one hour periods per fortnight (3 lessons per subject) Entered for either Foundation or Higher level in all three subjects Foundation = grades 1-1 to 5-5 (mid B/C). Higher = 4-3 to 9-9 (C/D to A* +). Students who fail to achieve 4-3 will be awarded U. Very few students nationally will be awarded 9-9. This is a 17 point scale and could get 6-5 etc We predict very few students being entered for Foundation level however they will be if they fail to demonstrate that they are working consistently at a minimum of 4-4 throughout the course. Students who have a target grade of 4-4 will be considered for Foundation entry. Support • Challenge • Succeed
Compulsory Science (all papers either Higher or Foundation Tier) Biology topics Chemistry topics Physics topics Year 9 and 10 topics 1 hour 15 min exam Year 9 and 10 topics 1 hour 15 min exam Year 9 and 10 topics 1 hour 15 min exam Year 11 topics 1 hour 15 min exam Year 11 topics 1 hour 15 min exam Year 11 topics 1 hour 15 min exam All exams contain a mixture of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response (extended writing required). There are more application and extended writing questions on the Higher tier. All paper worth 16.7% of the GCSE Combined science qualification, 70 raw marks. Knowledge, understanding and practical skills assessed. All examinations taken at the end of Year 11
Separate Science Option 3 specialist teachers 15 hours of teaching per fortnight (must REALLY like all three science subjects!) Will be awarded 3 Separate GCSE’s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics Foundation and Higher exams in each separate subject Tier of entry beneficial if a student is say good at Physics but weak in biology. Support • Challenge • Succeed
Separate Science Option Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics GCSE Year 9 and 10 Topics 1 hour 45 min exam 50 % of the GCSE Year 9 and 10 1 hour 45 min exam 50 % of the GCSE Year 9 and 10 1 hour 45 min exam 50 % of the GCSE Year 11 Topics 1 hour 45 min exam 50 % of the GCSE Year 11 Topics 1 hour 45 min exam 50 % of the GCSE Year 11 Topics 1 hour 45 min exam 50 % of the GCSE Multi choice, structured, closed short answer and open response on each paper. Knowledge, understanding and practical's skills assessed. All examinations taken at the end of Year 11.
Practical work Core practical activities set by examination board 16 for Combined Science 8 for each Separate Science Covered in lessons Assessed on the examinations Accounts for at least 15% of the GCSE marks This is the minimum practical work to cover – only real difference between all exam boards Support • Challenge • Succeed
Why choose to follow Combined Science course You want to study 2 Languages, Arts and Humanities options You are currently working at 3 or below in Year 9 and find Science difficult Do not intend to follow all three sciences at A level or pursue a STEM career Science is not one of your favourite subjects Would not like to have 2 or more hours of Science in one day The content covered on the Chemistry course is limited in organic Chemistry so students progressing to A level Chemistry may find this a challenge.
Why select the Separate Science Option Enjoy Science (Essential!!) Good at Science ( currently working at grade 4 or above in Year 9) Intend to take Biology, Chemistry and Physics at A level (the additional specification content allows for a more detailed understanding to be developed that allows for better A level preparation) 15 hours a science a fortnight, extensive independent study needed to get through the course content. Ask yourself do I enjoy science, am I good at it!!!!! Do not even consider ‘I need it’!!!! Essential A level prep topics not taught on the combined science course. Support • Challenge • Succeed
Independent study is essential. We provide the opportunity for students to purchase CGP revision guides and text books at a reduced cost. We currently subscribe to Kerboodle - this will be finance dependent / we will need to review if this subscription continues. Support • Challenge • Succeed
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