Unit 4: Personal Health & Decision Making
LESSON 3: HEALTH RISKS AND YOUR BEHAVIOR RECOGNIZING RISKS! Risks are the chances that something harmful may happen. You are probably aware of the risks associated with using alcohol and other drugs. Did you know, however, that you also create health risks by eating foods that are high in fats and by not getting enough exercise?
Health risks may have a variety of consequences Health risks may have a variety of consequences. Some consequences only affect you and may not be especially dangerous. Some risk behaviors, on the other hand, carry very undesirable consequences. These consequences may include serious injury and mortality (death). Physical: Broken Bones Social: Missing out on playing with friends b/c of broken bone Mental: Depressed about not being able to play Academic: missed school because of injury Financial: parents have to pay medical bills. Physical Consequences Social Consequences Mental/Emotional Consequences Academic Consequences Financial Consequences
IS IT REALLY A RISK? Why do teens take risks? Some people take risks because they believe that nothing bad can happen to them. Others may question whether certain actions are really risks. They may believe, for example, that people who are involved in accidents are just un-lucky. This idea is subjective, which means that it comes from a person’s own views and beliefs, not necessarily from facts. When considering risks, it is much better to use objective information, which is based on facts. Subjective (involving a person’s own views): “Lots of people smoke cigarettes, so how can it be harmful?” Objective (based on facts): “Smokers are ten times more likely to get lung cancer than nonsmokers.”
Objective information can help you act responsibly so that you can prevent many injuries and illnesses. Looking out for hazards, or potential sources of danger, is a good habit to develop. If you are aware of hazards, you can take precautions against them. A precaution is an action taken to avoid danger.
HOW TO AVOID RISKS A. Resist pressure from others. B. Stay away from risk takers. C. Pay attention to what you are doing. D. Know your limits. E. Consider the consequences. F. Consider other options. Subjective (involving a person’s own views): “Lots of people smoke cigarettes, so how can it be harmful?” Objective (based on facts): “Smokers are ten times more likely to get lung cancer than nonsmokers.”
LESSON 4: MAKING RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS FACING DECISIONS Although you may not even realize it, you use decision-making skills every day. Decision making is the process of making a choice or finding a solution. You make decisions in every area of your life - your health, family, friends, school, activities, and so on. Major vs. Minor Decisions Minor ex. what to wear to school or whether to walk or ride your bike Major ex. choices about education or joining the military service
APPLYING CRITERIA When making a decision, you can use criteria to evaluate the situation. Criteria are standards on which you base your decisions. You could evaluate a situation by following the HELP criteria: Is it Healthful? Is it Ethical? Is it Legal? Is it Parent approved?
LESSON 5: SETTING GOALS AND MAKING ACTION PLANS WHY HAVE GOALS? Goals help give direction to your behavior and a pattern to your decisions. A goal is also one way to measure your success. Meeting your goals will have a positive effect on your self-esteem, or your confidence in yourself.
TYPES OF GOALS A long-term goal is a goal that you plan to reach over an extended length of time. Example: Going to college and starting a career... A short-term goal is a goal that you can reach right away. Example: Cleaning your room.
An action plan is a series of steps for reaching your goal. GOAL, PLANS, ACTION!