Quiz Points 4 Rules Raise your hand if you know the question One student will be picked in random If the answer is wrong, another student will be given a chance If answer is given by several students at the same time, no one will get any quiz points!
Answer: WebMethod attribute Q 41 How do you communicate to ASP.NET what your web methods are? Answer: WebMethod attribute
Q 42 Are you required to inherit your web service class from the WebService class? Answer: No
Answer: Access to Session, etc. Q 43 Why does the WebService base class provide for you? Answer: Access to Session, etc.
Answer: Code behind page Q 44 What concept is used by Visual Studio in separating the asmx page from the actual code for the web service? Answer: Code behind page
Q 45 What tool is used to generate a client proxy from a WSDL? Answer: wsdl.exe
Q 46 What is the root element name of a wsdl document? Answer: definitions
Answer: types, message, portType, binding, service Q 47 What are the five children of the definitions root element? Answer: types, message, portType, binding, service
Q 48 Which element of wsdl communicates the URL of the web service to the client? Answer: service
Answer: SoapHttpClientProxy Q 49 What is the base class of the SOAP Http client’s proxy? Answer: SoapHttpClientProxy
Q 50 For each method of your web service, how many methods does the proxy have? Answer: 3
Answer: CookieContainer Q 51 What property should you sent for the client to participate in session? Answer: CookieContainer
Answer: wsdeploy, wscompile Q 51 What tools are used to generate the TIE and Stub in JWSDP? Answer: wsdeploy, wscompile
Q 52 What API is used to manage SOAP calls in JWSDP? Answer: JAX-RPC
Answer: jaxrpc-ri.xml, web.xml Q 53 What xml files do you write in order to deploy your Java Web Service? Answer: jaxrpc-ri.xml, web.xml
Answer: SOAP with Attachment API for Java, used by JAX-RPC and JAXM Q 54 What is SAAJ and where is it used? Answer: SOAP with Attachment API for Java, used by JAX-RPC and JAXM
Answer: javax.xml.rpc.ServiceLifeCycle Q 54 What interface your Java Web Service may implement? Answer: javax.xml.rpc.ServiceLifeCycle