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Presentation transcript:


Customized Relational Technology, Inc Developed by Art Keller & Hal Shroats KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Customized Relational Technology, Inc Customized Relational Technology, Inc. Presents the IEP and Data Management Software Program Training. The challenge: to create an efficient system to document special education decisions, to manage data and to communicate information. Program users will be able to generate a variety of special reports, print eligibility determination and individual educational program documents. With full implementation the IEP program will give users the capacity to meet their documentation, data management, and communication needs with efficiency, accuracy and ease. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Using The “KIDS” Program Individualized Data System KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Training Contents Changing Resolution Set Up Main Menu Navigation Submenus Input Into forms Print Menu Closing The Program Draft Archive Helpful Information Training Contents KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Change The Screen Resolution to 800 X 600. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Using the mouse, click on the start button in the lower left corner of the desktop. Next click on Control Panel. 2 1 KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Double click on the Display icon KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Click on the Settings tab. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

1 2 Move the slider all the way to the left (800 X 600 pixels). Click on OK. 2 KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

When the window to the right opens, click on Yes. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Windows can be set up in either Classic View or Category View. If your computer is set to Category View, it will look like this in the Control Panel. To change resolution, click on Appearance and Themes. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Click on Change the screen resolution. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

3 1 2 Move the slider all the way to the left (800 X 600 pixels). When the window above opens, click on Yes. Click on OK. 2 KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Click on the red X in the upper right corner to close each window until you are back at the desktop. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


Once in the program, the first thing we need to do is clean up the window. An unneeded toolbar is showing at the top of the screen and a status bar is showing at the bottom. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

The Toolbar and Status Bar need to be hidden. Click on View, Toolbars, then click on Standard and Text Formatting if they are checked. Click again on View and Status Bar if it is checked. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


All parts of the program are accessed from here. This is the MAIN MENU. All parts of the program are accessed from here. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Notice the Message Board Notice the Message Board. Important information will be given to you in this box. Please review each time you enter the program. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

First, you must be sure that only one student is found. Notice we now have 26 Records Found. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Click on the Enter Find button to go into the find mode. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

The curser is now in the Current Record box. Notice that the Current Record box is now blank and the Total Records Found box is also blank. The curser is now in the Current Record box. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Type in the name of the student you want to view. Then, either hit the Enter key on your keyboard or click on Perform Find. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Notice that Total Records Found shows just 1 student. Only enter the program with one student showing. This will prevent data from being typed in the wrong student record. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Be sure that it says Browse at the bottom of the screen. If not, repeat the Enter Find process until the word Browse does appear. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Call your administrative contact for further help. If the student’s name is not found, check that it hasn’t been previously entered under a similar name, nickname (Bob for Robert) or misspelled. Call your administrative contact for further help. Consistently using proper names will alleviate issues that may otherwise be encountered with double entry of students. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


Once in the program, clicking on a button will perform navigation to that area of the program. Note: this is a single click program. Double clicking will cause navigation errors.   KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

If you do get stuck somewhere in the program and clicking on buttons does nothing, click on Scripts and then click on Halt or Go to Menu. In most cases this will fix the problem. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Movement in the program goes from The Main Menu to q Area Submenus to Form Input Screens KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Once in the program, you will find navigational buttons that allow you to move between forms and menus, allow you to check your spelling (one page at a time), and allow you to preview and print your work. These are consistently repeated throughout the program for ease of use. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Each input screen shows only about half of the actual form or less. Clicking the Back or Forward button moves you to the last or the next input screen. The Menu button goes directly to a menu. Clicking the Spelling button will check the spelling, but only checks the page showing. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

You can not edit when in Preview. Clicking the “Preview” button opens a new window allowing you to see the entire form as it will look when printed. You can not edit when in Preview. There are no navigation buttons in “Preview”. To return to the last page, hit the Enter key on your keyboard. This process is unique to Preview. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

This is a page in Preview mode. Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to return to the input page. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

We will show you later how to print multiple pages. Clicking the Print button will print this one page as it was seen in Preview. The Print button will be found on the bottom right corner on all input screens. We will show you later how to print multiple pages. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


To get to the Evaluation Menu, click on the Evaluation Program button on the Main Menu. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

This is the Evaluation Menu. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

All of the evaluation forms are listed on this page. The Data boxes will show an X if there is data entered on that form. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

To go to any of these forms, click on the form name and that form will open. The Summary Report has eight pages. Click on a letter (A-H) to go directly to that page. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Notice the box at the bottom left next to the Go To button. If you click in this box, a listing of every form in both the Evaluation and the IEP section is listed. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Next, you must click on the Go To button and that form will open. To go to any of these forms, click on the form name and that form name will show in the box. Next, you must click on the Go To button and that form will open. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Remember this is a three step procedure. First click in the box. Next select from the names shown in the box. Next click on the Go To button. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


This is a typical input screen accessed from a Submenu. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Each input screen will have a number of input areas called fields. Some fields will already be filled in automatically. Others require input. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Click inside the small square boxes and an X will appear. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Click on a choice and it will appear in the box. When you click in some boxes you will be presented with a list of choices from which to select. Click on a choice and it will appear in the box. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Always use selections from the lists - Do not try to override . If you click on the blank space at the bottom of the list, it will leave the box blank. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

If other is one of the choices, select other and you can type in any appropriate response. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

When you click inside some boxes, you can type data directly into the field. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Be careful that you do not type beyond the size of these boxes. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

This typing fills the box. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

This typing has gone beyond the box size. Notice that the size of the box has expanded. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Anything you type beyond the original box size WILL NOT PRINT. To see how much of what you typed will print, click out of the box. What you see when clicked out of the box will print. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Each box in this program has been sized with administrative input Each box in this program has been sized with administrative input. Be aware that these boxes do not print beyond their original size even though you can type more. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

However, there are specific boxes that are expandable and will print all that is typed in them. These boxes are identified by an elevator mechanism on the far right side. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

When typing in a box with an elevator mechanism, the elevator indicator moves down as you go beyond the original box size. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Notice that the size of the box remains the same Notice that the size of the box remains the same. The typing rolls up as new typing is added (lines 1-5 have rolled up). All that is entered in this type of box will be printed. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


You can access the Print Menu by clicking on the Print Menu button from one of the submenus. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

To make two copies, just click twice. From the Print Menu you can print any form by clicking on the name of the form. To make two copies, just click twice. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

The Data boxes tell if there is any data on a form. Next to each Data box is a Print box. Click in a Print box to add an X which indicates that you want that form printed. Click as many boxes as you want. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Below are print option buttons. Click on Print All Checked Pages (FileMaker) and everything you checked will be printed. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

The other print option buttons provide quick ways to select which forms you want to print. You can mark all forms that have data. You can mark or unmark all forms on the menu. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

There is also a Print Menu for the Evaluation Forms Section. You can access the Evaluation Print Menu from the top of the Evaluation Menu. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

In Supplemental Forms, both the sub menu and the Print Menu are on the same screen. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Closing The Program KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

NO> Closing the program properly will ensure that information will be saved correctly. Either navigate to the Quit Program button on the “Main Menu” and click on it to exit, or click on the red “X” in the upper gray area of any program window. DO NOT CLICK ON THE RED “X” IN THE BLUE AREA. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


The program default is for the Draft box to be checked. “Draft” is a nice feature that informs people that the documents are not yet in final form. When the Draft box is checked, the word “Draft” is placed on each form in the program and the word “Draft” is printed on the top of each page sent to print. The program default is for the Draft box to be checked. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

CESA #10 will establish a policy determining when the Draft box will be unchecked and who will uncheck it. The Draft feature does not effect the operation of the program itself in any way. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Note This program has an automatic save feature. By tabbing to another field or clicking anywhere outside a field, the information will be saved. When typing in large text boxes, click out into the gray area of the input screen periodically to save the text. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019


Archive Files (when available) will be for the purpose of storing and reviewing previous records and IEPs. Archiving is like taking a picture of each form and moving it to a separate location in the program for viewing later. These forms can only be viewed and not changed. After Archiving, you will still have complete access to the current files. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

To access the Archive Files area click on the Go to Archive Files button in the main menu. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

In Archive, the screens are identical to the current record screens with the exception of the background color. To view a student’s past record, perform a find for the student just as in current records . You will see the date of archive and the date of staffing as you move through the records to help select the correct information for viewing. To get back to the current records area, click on Go to Current Records. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

Helpful Information KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019

If the age doesn’t calculate properly, check your computer’s date. This program is designed to make calculations based on the birth date. To calculate properly you must use a 2-digit month, 2-digit day and 4-digit year (Example 06/07/1980). Please use slashes not dashes. If the age doesn’t calculate properly, check your computer’s date. Please be consistent when entering data. Typing one student’s information in CAPS and another in type case may cause discrepancy problems. KIDS IEP & DATA MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2/18/2019