To get to know you as a unique person My Goals To get to know you as a unique person Create an effective learning environment Teach to mastery I care about you as a person and I want you to succeed. This is the most important thing to me as a teacher Most of the teaching will be done by you. You affect your learning more than I do, I try to create an effective learning environment. I want to get into the habit of checking and rechecking your work until everyone is comfortable.
Class Website:
District Policies Student/Teacher Communication District has specified that all student-teacher communication must occur in-school during school hours. No email, texting, facebook After hours, all communication must go through parents
Boyd Policies Electronics Gum Put away, Not in use, In use = confiscate Cafeteria Gum Food & Drink – water only in class & halls Can’t enter instructional areas without pass before 9:05am No pills of any kind on your person on campus (including cough drops) Parents have to bring and sign, go to nurses office
Boyd Policies Textbooks Assigned to you on 9/1, need ID Don’t leave in room Can’t borrow one of mine Credit only for returning your own
Class Policies All homework due before Tardy bell Graded Papers Drop in Homework basket (includes makeup work), pts off Graded Papers You pick up from Graded work crate Benefits: grade check, test prep, tutoring Thrown out at end of 9 weeks
Class Policies Late Work Missed Assignments Missed Tests & Labs 1 week to make up tests and labs 2 weeks to make up classwork and quizzes Missed Assignments Pick up from crate or website Missed Tests & Labs Make up during Make-up session before or after school
Class Policies Formative vs. Summative (50/50) For example: 16 vs. 8 assignments Random grading except tests, quizzes, and labs – “everything counts for something” Grades - HAC
Class Policies Warm-ups grading unannounced Name, Date, Period on everything you hand in No name folder, 10% penalty
Class Procedures Warm-up/Attendance @ bell (start Monday with Intro and practice) Discuss Warm-up Review Agenda Student Activities Pack up when told Dismissal by the teacher not the bell
Advice I have to give you the grade you earn, your 1st semester is the most important Don’t settle for any Summative Zeros Get organized – “10% grade impact” Your success depends more on yourself than on me. Consistent effort
Advice Every Biology teacher does things a little differently. We won’t be doing the same things on the same day as your friends
Discipline I have to a “healthy” amount of discipline in my class in order to be myself and have fun. Review Behavior Contract What kind of behavior would you expect from a student that respects his or her teacher?
Discipline Everyone starts off each week with 2 BioBucks One is lost each time you choose to not follow the Behavior Contract 72 possible BioBucks in the school year What kind of behavior would you expect from a student that respects his or her teacher?
BioBucks What can you do with BioBucks? Update totals weekly - posted Trade them in for class privileges Day of Electronics – 10 Day of Food & Drink – 10 Hall Pass – 5 Extra Credit – Summative! Update totals weekly - posted What kind of behavior would you expect from a student that respects his or her teacher?
Office Referrals Significance of an office referral Getting into my stuff Major classroom problems – language, physical abuse, inappropriateness Excessive classroom disruptions, a problem.
Miscellaneous Room Smell? Grade less, discuss more All homework, classwork, assignments, quizzes are preparations for tests Multiple test versions
Miscellaneous Extra Credit Various infrequent EC opportunities Supplies Not individual Column in gradebook
Extra Credit – due in one week 1st – Box of Tissues (200+) or Quart/Gallon ziplock bags 2nd – Pack of glue sticks or Box of Tissues 4th – Colored markers (10 pack)
Supplies Extra Credit – due in one week 5th – Hand Sanitizer 8-10oz 6th – Colored/Map pencils (12 pack) 7th – Pack of regular pencils Or Crayons
The Power of Vision The difference between a good and poor student is vision. Each has a vision of what they want to be, the kind of student, where they want to go near term and long term. With no vision, we fail because we can’t put in the effort it takes to succeed. Most kids get their vision from their parents but those who don’t get it from home usually get it from somewhere, another adult in their life or occasionally it grows from within themselves. School is work and to apply oneself to work, vision is required.