to P6 Room 10! Homework continues to be allocated on a Monday and should be returned on a Thursday, with homework diaries and jotter signed. We are really enjoying our weekly visit to the library. Please remember to bring your library book to school every day, to enjoy our ‘reading for enjoyment’ times. P.E. is still on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your child has appropriate P.E. kit on these days, including trainers (please see school P.E. Position Statement for further guidance). On Thursday we may be going outdoors for P.E. so we may need something slightly warmer to wear. Our focus is gymnastics this term. In Literacy and English, we are continuing to develop our spelling strategies using a range of daily tasks. Our class novel study this term is ‘Kasper, Prince of Cats’ by Michael Murpurgo. In writing, we will be using our wonderful imagination to create narrative texts as well as instructional writing. In Numeracy and Mathematics our focus will be on subtraction, multiplication, division, time and data handling. We continue to use a wide range of activities and games in order to develop our knowledge and support our learning. This term we will be developing our team work and performing skills, in Drama. We will have fun through hot seating, freeze frames ,thought tracking and sculptor and statue activities! Our Social Studies focus is Democracy. We will be working alongside Room 11, to develop our knowledge and understanding of the Scottish Parliament, how it works and what it does. Mrs. Shaw takes the class for P.E. and Health and Wellbeing on a Monday.