Our topic is Heroes and Villains Year 3 Term Autumn 2 Spoken Language: Express opposing view-points, begin to explain the meanings of words, participate in class discussions, role play and justify people’s possible feelings. Writing: Write their own fairy tale, story writing and persuasive writing. Engage: Engage and develop children's’ experiences by asking them to be detectives and find out which villain has stolen the class animal. Maths: Understand how to use graphs, applying addition and subtraction and finding the length and perimeter of shapes. Computing: Learn how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. Understand how to use search technologies effectively. PE: Focus on dynamic balance to agility and static balance in a seated position through real PE. Art: Draw and replicate the drawings of Walt Disney and apply this skill to their own drawing of a hero or villain. Our topic is Heroes and Villains This half term Year 3 will be learning to: History: Develop a secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history through Admiral Lord Nelson and other historical figures who had an impact on the world. Create a timeline of the people we learn about to chronically secure their knowledge. D.T Apply understanding of how to strengthen a structure when making their own version of the Clifton suspension bridge. Create a Disney style flipbook and explore animation. Select from a range of tools to design and make a puppet of a villain. Understand how key individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world. Innovate: Explore fairy tales and twisting the stories to make new heroes and villains. Debate who the true hero and villain of the story was. Express: We will be celebrating this topic with a fancy dress day of our favourite hero and villain. PSHE: Learn about the concept of good and evil and what a hero is through philosophy for children. Music: Identifying rhythm using ‘bamboo tamboo’ and learn about ceilidh dancing. Develop drumming skills and learn a Little Red Riding Hood’ rap.
Home learning activities! PE: Our PE days are Thursday and Friday As the winter months approach please include longer layers in your child’s PE kit so that they can take part in all of their activities. Creative Zone Children could: Design and create a comic strip of their favourite hero and villain. Make ‘Top Trump’ cards for heroes and villains, including their name, picture and strengths and weaknesses. Sketch or paint a portrait of someone that you think is a hero. Create a story box of a hero, include their side kick, favourite props and costume. Reading: Library day is on Friday Your child will be bringing home their reading books this week Please ask your child questions as they read their book to check their understanding. They could also share the book with a sibling or family member. Please encourage your child to look after their book. Writing: Create a fact-file about a real life hero (past or present) that you find interesting. Write a set of instructions or recipe that explains how to be, or what makes a hero. Write a story review on your favourite fairy tale. Think about why they are your favourite character and what makes them a hero or villain. Dates: Marwell Zoo Trip 14th November Hero and Villain dress up day 12th December Church visit and Christmas Dinner 20th December Weekly practice: We will be sending home texts with relevant page numbers to your child’s home learning book on a Monday morning. This is a chance for you to support your child’s learning at home and consolidate their understanding by changing the questions slightly to do more learning throughout the week. Maths: It would be useful for children to practice their addition and subtraction skills at home, in particular, practising their knowledge of place value of hundreds, tens and ones. Getting your child to practice quick recall of their multiplication and division facts of the 2,5,10 and 3 x table will also support their learning.