Lesson 3 Finding the Perfect Site
Am I ready to look for a site? A common mistake is jumping to site finding and even securing before the organization is ready. Before you start looking for a site you will need to: Make sure you have enough funding available to pay for the legal and architectural services that will be needed to evaluate the site and negotiate for lease or purchase. Make sure you have funds on hand to make a cash deposit to bind a purchase or lease agreement. Be sure your space needs are very well defined.
How do I know if this is the right site? Once you find a site that interests you it is important to do a thorough evaluation of the site before making a legal or monetary commitment. At the end of this lesson you will find a Site Evaluation Checklist that you can use to help guide you in assessing potential sites. Be sure to download and use this helpful tool.
Lease versus purchase: Before securing a site you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Site Acquisition Complexities Acquiring real estate is a complex process. There are many important points to navigate along the way. Next, you will download the full text of Lesson 3 which will walk through all of the details of finding, evaluating, negotiating for, and acquiring a site. Please read this lesson carefully. Learning more about the hurdles you may encounter, questions you should ask, and tips for navigating challenges will help you be sure the process goes smoothly.
At this point in the training please pause to download and study the full lesson below to learn more.
Also, you will want to be sure to take advantage of the tools we’ve designed to help you with this part of your planning. Look for this PDF icon in order to download them:
At this point in the training please pause to download and study the full lesson below to learn more.