Outcomes & Contributing Factors Teen Pregnancy Outcomes & Contributing Factors
Teen Pregnancy Physical death rate for baby increased low birth weight (less than 5.5 lbs.)
Teen Pregnancy Financial not ready to support a baby, home, spouse future career jeopardized
Teen Pregnancy Educational college expensive & child care is a problem most teen parents don’t finish high school little hope for high paying career
Teen Pregnancy Emotional adolescents still maturing emotionally themselves hormonal swings and mood changes baby depends on them 24 hours a day - teens are searching for independence
Teen Pregnancy Social life drastically changes don’t want to drag a baby along fun, care-free activities become a thing of the past
Teen Pregnancy Mother’s Health Risks premature labor prolonged labor anemia or toxemia higher death rate STDs - fatal to both
Teen Pregnancy Baby’s Health Risks low birth weight (<5.5) organs not developed lung problems, bleeding more likely to die in first month of life
Teen Pregnancy ? Fathers and Babies Video
Contributing Factors To Teen Pregnancy Parents Marital Status (Family Structure) Parent/Sibling Sexual Experiences Parent/Child Relationship Parents’ Education Level Peer Group Substance Abuse Self-esteem
Contributing Factors To Teen Pregnancy Race, ethnicity, & Socioeconomic Level Dating Guidelines Religion Media Abuse
Options Available to Pregnant Teens 1. Keep the Baby 2. Adoption 3. Abortion