You must log in using both you email address and your Full name before proceeding
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Select your form or Report below. Lets take a look at ECARs otherwise known as Environmental Corrective Action Requests. Exit will close the program.
You can select to view the Summary which will allow you to see all the ECARs that have been written or you can select to fill out the form. If you select this button it will open up the SSOP for cleaning Adverse events. Once you clean the adverse event then you fill out the ECAR.
Fill out form. This is required for an adverse event Fill out form. This is required for an adverse event. The ECAR number is auto generated.
When you close the form it will take you to the summary report When you close the form it will take you to the summary report. The Summary report will update each time you complete and close an ECAR form. If you click on view detail it will return you to a specific ECAR.
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Below will allow you to see a forecasted schedule of all items that are scheduled per week for the entire year.
Print week begins every Monday. You can choose what type of report you what to print per week. You have the ability to print a complete report. Or print one section. For example say you want to print only Quarterly items, locate the Quarterly column and then select the week to generate.
In this window you have the option to print two different reports , a Detailed Report and a Summary report. A Detailed report in on that is to be used to track all work. The Summary report in best used to Audit the work that has been performed. We will begin by looking at the Detailed report.
Completed the boxed that are not filled in Completed the boxed that are not filled in. All the boxes that are in Blue text are auto generated. When looking for a specific item click on the Previous Button or Next Button. If there is an SSOP in the system for a specific task it will appear in the SSOP box. Click on it and it will open up the SSOP for viewing and printing.
When you go into print preview you will see more than one item per sheet. The more information that is required for that site the fewer items that appear on one sheet.
Print week begins every Monday. You can choose what type of report you what to print per week. You have the ability to print a complete report. Or print one section. For example say you want to print only Quarterly items, locate the Quarterly column and then select the week to generate.
Now let’s look at the Summary report. The Summary report in best used to Audit the work that has been performed.
An item can never be complete until is Passes An item can never be complete until is Passes. If the item Fails do not fill out the Check when Complete Box. Once the item is completed fill in the Date Completed. You must always fill out Pass or Fail. If an item fails there is space between items to make Comments, Corrective Actions and or Observation Notes. Once you have inspected the area sign in the Inspected By box.
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Training Materials and Document page under Construction.
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Fill out contact form below Fill out contact form below. Before you can save you must fill in the Last Name at minimum. Save and New will take you to a blank form.
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I hope you enjoyed this presentation. This program was designed and developed by Natasha D. Mershon