OA What pillar of Islam asks Muslims to take a journey to their holy land? While answering this 2nd question, please turn your desks so you are facing the direction where your house is located.
Review – 5 Pillars 1. Declare that there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God 2. Daily prayer 3. Charity to the poor 4. Fasting – Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca – hajj Jihad – 2 extremes spiritual|-------jihad-------|violent
Name that Religion!!!
Name that Religion!!!
Please fill in the K and the W section of your notes at this time about what you KNOW and what you WANT TO KNOW about Sunni and Shiite Muslims.
Please read Setting the Scene on page 256
Sunni + Shiites = Sooo Much Fun!!! After Muhammad’s death, divisions arose within Islam over who would be his successor Split between Sunni/Shiite – profound impact on later Islamic history
Sunni vs. Shiite The caliph should be chosen by leaders of the Muslim community Caliph viewed as a pious Muslim, he was simply a leader, not a religious authority Inspiration comes from the example of Muhammad, which his followers recorded 90% of Muslims are Sunni Only true successors to Prophet were descendants of Muhammad’s daughter and son-in-law, Fatima and Ali Descendants of the Prophet were divinely inspired Most live in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen Split into several different factions
Simmer down now, they’re just Similarities Very similar to schism between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christians Division between Sunni and Shiite Muslims survived to the present day Members of both branches of Islam believe in the same one God, look to the Quran for guidance, and make the hajj Other differences emerged present day like religious practice, law, daily life
Sufi, Sufi, Sufi…where are you?!! 3rd tradition in Islam emerged Sufis – Muslim mystics looking for union with God through meditation, fasting, other rituals Respected for their piety and miracles Some spread Islam through missionary work, like Christian monks and nuns Carried the faith to remote villages, blending local traditions and beliefs into Muslim culture
Interconnections Remember Romeo and Juliet… The Montagues are not followers of Sharia law, nor are the Capulets upholders of Christian values They are just "two households, both alike in dignity…In fair Verona”, yet that doesn’t stop a civil war between these two clans "Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean". Mutual hatred between neighboring groups, sustained by a cycle of violence
Please fill in the L portion of your notes at this time Now write a newspaper headline that summarizes the main points of this topic
Connections to Today Muslims in America