Flipping the Classroom Welcome to my classroom outside of the classroom! As you know, I normally give you notes in class. And, on a couple of occasions, I had you copy the notes at home. This time, however, I am not just having you copy notes, but giving you the opportunity to learn about the information in the notes. As you navigate this Power Point Presentation, you will observe speaker icons ( ). When you click and listen to these recordings, you will hear me narrate the notes as well as share additional information and provide explanations. And, as I typically do in class, I have added videos and animations for you to watch. What I like most about how this information is getting presented is that you can go at your own pace. You can copy all of the notes down, then listen and watch, listen as you copy, or replay the audio files or videos. You can even ask me questions through Remind Chat (see icon at end of notes). To watch the videos and animations, hover the mouse over underlined text. Some of that text will have links. Let’s get started….
Forms of Energy
Copy the 6 boxes into notes using entire page MR. C. NET MECHANICAL RADIANT CHEMICAL NUCLEAR ELECTRICAL THERMAL Copy the 6 boxes into notes using entire page
MECHANICAL ENERGY FORMS OF ENERGY Mechanical Energy is the energy produced by moving objects (it’s the total energy of an object’s motion (KE) and position (PE) of an object). (KE + PE) Sound energy is a type of mechanical energy; it’s produced by an object’s vibrations. (EXTRA: learn how we hear sound) Examples: running, leaves rustling, ball rolling, whistling
RADIANT (LIGHT) ENERGY Radiant Energy is light energy given off in the form of electromagnetic waves and particles (called photons) (see it) Most light energy is not visible to human eyes; radiant energy is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. (see it) The Sun is the Earth’s main source of radiant energy
Can some snakes see infrared radiation? Infrared radiation- produces heat in form of waves Electromagnetic Spectrum (includes all of the forms of electromagnetic radiation) How microwaves work (skip to 5:56 minutes and stop @ 7:30 mins)
Bonds break between compounds and release energy CHEMICAL ENERGY Chemical Energy is the energy produced when the bonds between atoms and molecules are broken and rearranged (during chemical reactions). Examples: photosynthesis, digestion, battery (stored energy), coal (stored energy) Bonds break between compounds and release energy
NUCLEAR ENERGY Examples: atomic bomb (fission), formation of a Star FISSION (splitting of nuclei) FUSION (joining of nuclei) Nuclear Energy is the energy released from a nuclear reaction in the nucleus of an atom; the nucleus of an atom can break apart (fission) or nuclei can join together with others (fusion). Examples: atomic bomb (fission), formation of a Star
ELECTRICAL ENERGY Electrical Energy is the energy produced by moving electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles found in atoms. For example: Toasters, TVs, Light bulbs all use electrical energy
THERMAL (HEAT) ENERGY Thermal Energy is the energy produced by moving atoms and molecules; moving atoms create heat Infrared waves, which are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, also produce thermal energy. For example: the sun, a fire, a stove top, or two objects rubbing together give off heat energy
Do you have any questions Do you have any questions? Respond to the Remind text I sent out on 12/20 to send me a question that we can discuss in class (please leave your name in message) Help me improve… Please follow this link to answer 2 questions about your flipped classroom experience. (go to the bottom of the page to find poll)