Welcome to Mrs. Smith’s Room
Who is Mrs. Smith ? I have been teaching for 24 years I am starting my 16th year at LLMS I have been married for 36 years I have 2 daughters, one lives in Austin and the other lives in Boston MA I have 2 dogs and one cat I live in Huntsville I have taught Math, Science, English, and History
Mrs. Smith My favorite color is purple My favorite food is Indian I have been to every continent in the world except Australia and Antarctica I have lived in three different countries besides the United States I born in Venezuela Some of the things I like to do is spend time with my grandson, teach, garden, exercise, swim, and travel
What Does CHAMPS Mean? C – Conversation H – Help A – Activity M – Movement P – Participation S - Success
Voice Levels Level O – No Talking Level 1 – Whisper Level 2 – Quiet Conversational Voice Level 3 – Presentational Voice Level 4 – Outside Voice
Entering the Room Walk into the room Put your materials on your desk Sharpen pencil if needed Get your journal out and begin warm-up Place homework on your desk Voice level 2
Whole Group Instruction Sit in your desk looking at the teacher Use your listening skills Take notes if needed in your journal Keep your hands, feet, and objects to self Voice Level: 0
Working with a Partner Work with a student next to you shoulder partner Voice level: 2 Stay on topic When the teacher gives the signal to stop talking do so immediately
Working in Groups Listen to or read the instructions given for group work Respect each person’s opinion or answers. Voice Level :2 Group leader: reads instructions Timer: keeps up with time Recorder: writes answers down if needed Keeps the group on topic
INDEPENDENT WORK Voice Level:0 If you need help, put the red cup at the edge of your desk and keep working If you cannot continue, such as skipping that question and going to another one then you may ask your shoulder partner for help
Exiting the Classroom The bell does not dismiss you, I do Wait to be dismissed You will be dismissed by tables or rows Make sure you have picked up all your trash and deposited it in the trash can on your way out. We will WALK out of the classroom
Sharpening Pencil Make sure you have more than one writing utensil when you come into the classroom If you do not see me and you can borrow one of mine You may get out of your seat anytime to sharpen a pencil EXCEPT when I am talking This is one of the activities that you should complete when you enter the classroom
CLASSROOM RULES Arrive on time with all your materials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Follow directions the first time given Stay focused during all instructional activities
Guidelines for Success I will respect myself and others I will be responsible for my choices and actions I will come to school prepared to learn I will always do my personal best