Aging then & now… 60+ is a broad and expanding demographic.
Look familiar? Who do you picture when you think of old age? Is aging the same now as it was 30 years ago? Is sixty old? Talking about the image of aging and introduce questions to consider
Social concept of aginG Talk about negative imagery around aging – words like Frail, Sick, Vulnerable, Dependent, Slow, Isolated, and Helpless Social concept of aginG
The truth is that aging isn’t and doesn’t have to be a negative experience…. Talk about diversity of older people… words like Active, Vitality, Experienced, Fun, Carefree, Healthy, Social, Full of Life Realities of Aging
“over sixty” is a 30+ year age range The Older Americans Act defines a senior as anyone over 60 Older Adults are a huge and diverse demographic Are you the same now as you were 30 years ago? Over sixty includes two generations now – Baby Boomers and The Greatest Generation. Segue into discussion on what change over thirty years looks like…
Since 1987… Cell phones in 1987 and Today
Since 1987… English Royalty, 1987 and Today
Since 1987… American Royalty, 1987 and Today
Since 1987… Donald J. Trump in 1987 and today
Since 1987… Most popular TV shows in 1987 and today…
Since 1987… Chevrolet Corvette 1987 and Today
Since 1987… The global population in 1987 was 5 Billion. Today it’s 7.5 billion. Global Population
Since 1987… America’s largest retailer in 1987 and today.
How can we anticipate future change? Change is inevitable How can we anticipate future change?
Predicting the Future…
Diversity & Demographics Older adults’ diversity goes beyond age.
Adults 65+ in salt lake county Population 100,802 44.7% Male and 55.3% Female Race & Ethnicity: 92.8% White, 0.6% Black, 0.3% American Indian, 3.0% Asian, 0.7% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 6.7% Hispanic or Latino Disabilities: 34.5% With Any Disability 65.5% No Disability Marital Status: 58.7% Currently Married 23.2% Widowed 14.0% Divorced 0.9% Separated 3.3% Never Married
Adults 65+ in salt lake county 20.7% Are in the Labor Force 6.8% Have Income Below Federal Poverty Level 93.3% Live in Same Residence as One Year Ago 20.7% Are Veterans 12.6% Speak a Language Other than English 89,970 Are Native Born Citizens 10,832 Are Foreign Born 70.8% are Naturalized U.S. Citizens 29.2% are Non-Citizens
Demographic Projections Utah age demographics has historically been based on a large number of children with a smaller older adult group. By 2065, Utah demographics will appear more beehive shaped with an even distribution of age groups, but notably a larger older adult population.
Demographic Projections “The share of Utahns age 65 and older will double between now and 2050.” - Pamela Perlich, PhD Director of Demographic Research, University of Utah The 60+ population in Salt Lake County will surpass the school-age population by 2033. And will exceed it by over 70,000 in 2050. Currently, only 13% of Salt Lake County older adults receive some form of support from Aging & Adult Services.
Implications for providers Partnerships are vital to meeting community needs.
Collaboration is key Now more than ever, service providers must work together to meet complex and changing needs. Public Institutions Nonprofit Providers Private Businesses
Aging in place People want to maintain their independence as they age. For most people, this means aging at home, not in a residential care facility. A primary goal of livable communities is to help adults age in place.
Livable communities Communities aren’t always designed with the needs of older residents in mind. Livable Communities Address: Mobility Housing Access to Amenities
Livable communities What makes a livable community? Outdoor Spaces & Access to Nature Safe & Affordable Transportation A Range of Affordable & Accessible Housing Options Social Participation, Cultural Organizations, Libraries, & Places of Worship Respect & Social Inclusion Civic Participation & Employment Community Support & Health Services Communication & Information, including Access to Technology What makes a livable community? Credit: n4a
How do we get there? Move away from… Move toward… Siloed Service Providers Competition Deficit Thinking Duplicating Services Counting Outputs Braided Services Collaboration Asset Based Approaches Complementary Services Achieving Outcomes
Sounds great. But does it work? Talk about the Transit Together Grocery Project as a partnership for livable communities – Wasatch Manor, Friendship Manor, AARP, and Aging Services. Sounds great. But does it work?
Where we go from here Changing the narrative on aging.
Starting the Dialogue All issues eventually become aging issues. Center the experiences of older adults and caregivers. Utah as a family-focused state. Discuss how we change the cultural narrative on aging – and how strategic partnerships play a role by breaking down silos, sharing resources, and working toward common goals. (specifics on next slide)
Moving the work forward Data Driven Strategy Consistent Messaging Unified Front on Critical Issues Respectful Discourse Taking Shared Risks (e.g. Pilot Programs) Sharing Data & Expertise Supporting Each Other’s Initiatives Establishing Common Goals Collaboration as a Learning Opportunity Talk Brass Tacks about how partnerships can change perceptions, achieve outcomes, and shape policies and communities. Provide examples of how Aging & Adult Services is pivoting to a more partnership-based, collaborative, and data-driven strategic model.
service providers + communities Community involvement is critical. Volunteer Speak Up on Social Media Vote Support Innovative Projects Combat Stereotypes Run for Office Make Your Voice Heard Talk Brass Tacks about how partnerships can change perceptions, achieve outcomes, and shape policies and communities. Provide examples of how Aging & Adult Services is pivoting to a more partnership-based, collaborative, and data-driven strategic model.
Last Word Ready to take action?
Thank you. Paul Leggett, Director of Salt Lake County Aging & Adult Services