MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Nazarudin Wijee Mohd Sidek Salleh Grid Computing Lab MIMOS Berhad P-GRADE Performance Improvement
Previously, system response time was slow whenever user access the P-GRADE concurrently. Users expecting the page response time should be faster then current response time even if user access it concurrently. Figure below illustrate the current average page response time for workflow monitoring and workflow submission. Background MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
Goal Continued MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. FunctionalityAverage Response Time (s) Maximum Response Time (s) Workflow Monitoring< 5< 10 Workflow Submission< 5< 10
1.Reduce the number of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) used by the portal to improve the page loading time 2.Reduce the page size. 3.Minimize the Log4J logging 4.Configure the Hibernate parameter 5.Configure the Linux File Descriptor parameter 6.Redefine the doSubmit.sh job execution script 7.Change database (mysql instead of hsql) 8.Change the hardware specification P-GRADE Portal Improvements MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved.
Before url(ui.css); 1. Reduce the number of CSS loading of web page (I) – default.css MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. After Tuning: a { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; } a:link { color: #0D70C6; text-decoration: bold; } a:visited { color: #0D70C6; text-decoration: none; } a:active { color: blue; } …… Default.css is the file that controls the look-and-feel of the Portal page Combined 7 css files into single file
Login Form page: 2. Reduce the page size – Login Form MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. 250 KB 135KB
Log4j.properties controls how the application display logging information. 3. Minimizing Log4J logging MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Before Tuning: Log4j.debug=TRUE log4j.logger.org.hsqldb=DEBUG log4j.logger.org.gridlab.gridsphere.core.persist ence.hibernate=DEBUG log4j.logger.org.gridlab.gridsphere=DEBUG After Tuning: log4j.debug=FALSE #log4j.logger.org.hsqldb=DEBUG #log4j.logger.org.gridlab.gridsphere.core.persisten ce.hibernate=DEBUG #log4j.logger.org.gridlab.gridsphere=DEBUG 4. Hibernate framework Tuning Hibernate.properties defines the behavior of Hibernate framework After Tuning: hibernate.c3p0.max_size 200 hibernate.c3p0.min_size 100 hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment 5 Before Tuning: hibernate.c3p0.max_size 50 hibernate.c3p0.min_size 30 hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment 2
Limits.conf defines the resource usage limitation for the Linux user. 5. Configure Linux File Descriptor Parameter MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Before Tuning: * soft nofile 1024 * hard nofile 1024 After Tuning: * soft nofile 9216 * hard nofile Redefine doSubmit.sh job execution script Before Tuning:After Tuning: SZGWorkflow.java doSubmit.sh SZGWorkflow.java doSubmitWrap.sh #!/bin/bash..... doSubmit.sh $1 $2 >> $LOG & echo 1 > $WORKFLOW_DIR/lock if [ -z "$CATALINA_BASE" ] ; then CATALINA_BASE="$CATALINA_HOME" fi if [ -z "$CATALINA_TMPDIR" ] ; then # Define the java.io.tmpdir to use for Catalina CATALINA_TMPDIR="$CATALINA_BASE"/temp fi # Bugzilla 37848: When no TTY is available, don't output to console have_tty=0 if [ "`tty`" != "not a tty" ]; then have_tty=1
7. Changing the database MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Before Tuning: HSQL After Tuning: MySQL 8. Changing the Server Hardware Specification Before Tuning: CPU 2.8 GHz AMD Opteron Duo Core 1GB RAM 38G Harddisk After Tuning: CPU 2.8 GHz 2 x AMD Opteron Duo Core 16GB RAM 127GB Harddisk
100 concurrent virtual users with 0 delay between users P-Grade Performance – Workflow Monitoring After Improvement MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Test Execution Number
100 concurrent virtual users with 0 delay between users P-Grade Performance – Workflow Submission After Improvement MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Test Execution Number
Job Management - Control Chart MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. o RPT is used to automate and simulate 100 concurrent users with 0 Delay (ms) doing Job Management. The chart shows Job Management mean for 10 iterations. o The 10 observations for both before and after show within control limit. Process is stable. o RPT is used to automate and simulate 100 concurrent users with 0 Delay (ms) doing Job Management. The chart shows Job Management mean for 10 iterations. o The 10 observations for both before and after show within control limit. Process is stable.
Job Management - Comparison MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. o The mean was brought down by ms after the performance improvement.
Job Management - Hypothesis Testing MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Two-sample T: Ho: Job Management mean BEFORE improvement <= Job Management mean AFTER improvement Ha: Job Management mean BEFORE improvement > Job Management mean AFTER improvement Two-sample T: Ho: Job Management mean BEFORE improvement <= Job Management mean AFTER improvement Ha: Job Management mean BEFORE improvement > Job Management mean AFTER improvement P value = 0.000Reject Null Hypothesis Conclusion This is to conclude that both Job Management mean - with and without performance improvement do not perform equally. Performance improvement in P-Grade Portal proved response time reduction significantly on Job Management.
Job Submission Time - Control Chart MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. o RPT is used to automate and simulate 100 concurrent users with 0 Delay (ms) doing job submission. The chart shows job submission mean for 10 iterations. o The 10 observations for both before and after show within control limit. o RPT is used to automate and simulate 100 concurrent users with 0 Delay (ms) doing job submission. The chart shows job submission mean for 10 iterations. o The 10 observations for both before and after show within control limit.
Job Submission Time - Comparison MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. o The mean was brought down by ms after the performance improvement.
Job Submission Time - Hypothesis Testing MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Two-sample T: Ho: Job Submission mean BEFORE improvement <= Job Submission mean AFTER improvement Ha: Job Submission mean BEFORE improvement > Job Submission mean AFTER improvement Two-sample T: Ho: Job Submission mean BEFORE improvement <= Job Submission mean AFTER improvement Ha: Job Submission mean BEFORE improvement > Job Submission mean AFTER improvement P value = 0.000Reject Null Hypothesis Conclusion This is to conclude that both Job Submission mean - with and without performance improvement do not perform equally. Performance improvement in P-Grade Portal proved response time reduction significantly on job submission.
Q10: What aspects of my project have been quantified and stabilized with which I can demonstrate prediction of process capability? MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Performance improvement in P-Grade Portal proved response time reduction significantly on job submission. Job submission process AFTER the improvement is proved to be MUCH CAPABLE.
Continued MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved. Performance improvement in P-Grade Portal proved response time reduction significantly on job monitoring. Job submission process AFTER the improvement is proved to be MUCH CAPABLE.
THANK YOU MIMOS Berhad. All Rights Reserved.