Replacement of Vehicle Bridge over Spring Creek Design Project #1 Replacement of Vehicle Bridge over Spring Creek Centre County, PA Introduction to Engineering Design EDGSN 100 Section 001 BOST Industries Design Team Number 7 Jared Bunch CJ Solt Zachary Timothy Jerome Orji Presented to: Prof. Berezniak Fall 2016
Statement of Problem Local flooding has destroyed the structurally deficient bridge over Spring Creek The Spring Creek bridge is heavily traveled and is a vital lifeline to vehicle access to the Mount Nittany Medical Center The destroyed bridge is disrupting traffic, local commerce, and exposing State college residents to risk as emergency crews cannot respond efficiently Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 2
Objective Pennsylvania Department of Transportation of (PennDOT) Engineering District 2-0 has initiated an emergency, fast-track project to expedite the design of a new vehicle bridge over Spring Creek to replace the bridge destroyed by the recent extreme flood event. The damaged bridge is blocking the connection to Mount Nitanny Medical Center Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 3
Design Criteria Standard Abutments No piers (one span) Deck material shall be medium strength concrete (.23 meters thick) No cable anchorages and designed for the load of two AASHTO H20-44 trucks (225kN) with one in each traffic lane Bridge Deck elevation shall be set at 20 meters Deck span shall be exactly 40 meters Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 4
Technical Approach Phase 1: Economic Efficiency In Bridge Designer Equivalent material and size in order to reduce labor costs Varied the size of individual members based off of their load test results Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 5
Technical Approach Phase 2: Structural Efficiency Bridge Designer Quenched and tempered steel hollow tubes increased strength Varied the size of members based of load test results Arched top cord Popsicle Stick Bridge Bridge as perpendicular to the table as possible Reinforced load bearing members of the bridge Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 6
Results Phase 1: Economic Efficiency Warren Costs: $198,565.63 Howe Costs: $206,065.80 Arched top cord Quenched and tempered steel hollow tubes Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 7
Results Phase 2: Structural Efficiency Weight Warren: 87 g Howe: 73.3 g Load at Failure Warren: 82.2 lbs. Howe: 53.5 lbs. Structural Efficiency Warren: 428.57 Howe: 331.07 Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 8
Best Solution Structural efficiency: Howe Bridge (Structural Efficiency): 331.07 Warren Bridge (Structural Efficiency): 428.57 Economic efficiency: Howe Bridge (Cost): $206,065.80 Warren Bridge (Cost): $198,565.63 Design efficiency: Howe Bridge: $622 per unit structural efficiency Warren Bridge: $463 per unit structural efficiency Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 9
Conclusions Overall, the Warren Truss bridge was both structurally and economically efficient compared to the Howard Truss bridge. Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 10
Recommendations PennDOT should replace the damaged bridge with the Warren Truss bridge. Use this slide to create a new slide—use this template slide if you would prefer to have a Penn State blue background for your slides. 11