Writer’s Notebook ideas: Monday, January 31st, 2011 Objective: (W.6.8.7) Spell words correctly in all writing; (W.7.8.1) Use figurative lang. purposefully to shape and control lang. to affect readers; (W.7.8.5) Use purposeful vocabulary with emphasis on developing tone; (W.7.8.7) Use flashback/time transitions; (W.5.8.3) Create Narrative writing Essential questions: What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas:
Monday, January 31, 2011 ~ English Agenda WN: Using your AR book, make connections to what you are reading right now. Write about it! How can you relate to the main character? To the story? Turn in Final Copies of your Written Conclusion and Works Cited Continue with Analyzing The Sandlot movie for literary terms Handout due at the end of the movie
Monday, January 31, 2011 PreAP English Agenda WN: Using your AR book, make connections to what you are reading right now. Write about it! How can you relate to the main character? To the story? Turn in Final Copies of your Written Conclusion and Works Cited Continue with Analyzing The Sandlot movie for literary terms, handout due at the end of the movie Last chance this week for all those that have not presented Utopia Projects.
Objective: Ongoing Reading objectives as listed Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 Objective: Ongoing Reading objectives as listed Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: You wake up tomorrow morning and you’re in your favorite book (or cartoon or movie or tv show). What happens?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 ~ English Agenda WN - Using your AR book, make a few predictions about what you think is going to happen in the next chapter. Make a prediction on how the conflict is going to end. Writing Mini-lesson Building a Setting (refer to next slide) LIBRARY to view the BOOKFAIR! Take care of ALL library business BE SURE TO TAKE AN AR TEST TODAY, if you haven’t already taken one this nine weeks.
Building a Setting Have you ever been hurt and needed a Band-Aid or just a hug? Did you fall of a bike or fence, or horse, or did you try to fly…only to find the landing left you a little wounded? Let’s see how well you remember your own experience. In your writer’s notebook, choose a setting that would help make an interesting story more interesting. Close your eyes & enter that setting in your brain. Paint a picture in your mind, then open your eyes and write down or DRAW everything you saw. Add sensory details. What things did you see in your setting that you might touch, taste, smell, or hear? Add these details to what you’ve written. Next focus in on one person in your setting. What would this character notice or do in this setting? Write your ideas down. What mood would fit your story? How should the reader feel about this place? Add words or phrases that would help the reader feel the way about the setting that you would want them to. Be prepared to share! Ask your listener/reader to comment on whether the setting seemed as important as the characters and plot. Revise as necessary.
Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 ~ PreAP English Agenda WN - Using your AR book, make a few predictions about what you think is going to happen in the next chapter. Make a prediction on how the conflict is going to end. Writing Mini-lesson Building a Setting (refer to next slide) LIBRARY to view the BOOKFAIR! Take care of ALL library business BE SURE TO TAKE AN AR TEST TODAY, if you haven’t already taken one this nine weeks.
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 Objective: (W.6.8.7) Spell words correctly I all writing; (W.7.8.1) Use figurative lang. purposefully to shape and control lang. to affect readers; (W.7.8.5) Use purposeful vocabulary with emphasis on developing tone; (W.7.8.7) Use flashback/time transitions; (W.5.8.3) Create Narrative writing Essential questions: What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: Why was it so hard? Through writing, dramatize the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do.
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 ~ English Agenda WN: What are some of your favorite memories from the last year or two of your life? Who is or was a part of those memories? Give major details! Continue Sandlot movie evaluation/analysis of literary terms –record an example for each literary term listed Examples and Handout DUE when we finish the movie analysis When finished with movie text – assign Narrative Flashback/forward Writing
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 PreAP English Agenda WN: What are some of your favorite memories from the last year or two of your life? Who is or was a part of those memories? Give major details! Continue Sandlot movie evaluation/analysis of literary terms –record an example for each literary term listed Examples and Handout DUE when we finish the movie analysis When finished with movie text – assign Narrative Flashback/forward Writing
Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 Objective: (W.6.8.7) Spell words correctly I all writing; (W.7.8.1) Use figurative lang. purposefully to shape and control lang. to affect readers; (W.7.8.5) Use purposeful vocabulary with emphasis on developing tone; (W.7.8.7) Use flashback/time transitions; (W.5.8.3) Create Narrative writing Essential questions: What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: How are you different? Imagine you are in a room with 50 random strangers. List ten ways that you are PROBABLY different from every stranger in that room, then write a piece (poetry or paragraph) that celebrates those differences.
Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 English Agenda WN: Using your AR book, draw or depict a scene from the story. Share all of the details by writing the text or drawing a detailed picture. Writing Workshop: Narrative Writing - follow format of The Sandlot Flashback/Flashforward (handout) Follow format and Keep the handout because you will turn in the RUBRIC with final draft Share sample papers written in previous years by students
Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 PreAP English Agenda WN: Using your AR book, draw or depict a scene from the story. Share all of the details by writing the text or drawing a detailed picture. Writing Workshop: Narrative Writing - follow format of The Sandlot Flashback/Flashforward (handout) Follow format and Keep the handout because you will turn in the RUBRIC with final draft Share sample papers written in previous years by students Discuss Holocaust Books – for choosing for literature cirlces
Friday, February 4th, 2011 Objective: (W.6.8.7) Spell words correctly I all writing; (W.7.8.1) Use figurative lang. purposefully to shape and control lang. to affect readers; (W.7.8.5) Use purposeful vocabulary with emphasis on developing tone; (W.7.8.7) Use flashback/time transitions; (W.5.8.3) Create Narrative writing Essential questions: What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: Who just didn’t care? Write about a person who fits that description. Try to answer why they didn’t care.
Friday, February 4th, 2011 English Agenda WN: "What brings you comfort? Describe you in your most comfortable real place." Computer Lab - Complete questions about research project from last week. Type up answers, print out and turn in today. Writing Workshop: Get started with your “IDEAS” for narrative today and this weekend. Bring in the PREWRITING for this project on Monday. You will work on the writing both in and out of class Rough Draft DUE Next Thursday, February 10th
Friday, February 4th, 2011 ~ PreAP English Agenda WN: "What brings you comfort? Describe you in your most comfortable real place." Computer Lab - Complete questions about research project from last week. Type up answers, print out and turn in today. Writing Workshop: Get started with your “IDEAS” for narrative today and this weekend. Bring in the PREWRITING for this project on Monday. You will work on the writing both in and out of class Rough Draft DUE Next Thursday, February 10th Holocaust Lit. Circles – choose Book by Monday