RPC Detector Control System Pierluigi Paolucci - I.N.F.N. of Naples http://www1.na.infn.it/wsubnucl/accel/cms/cms.html
Detector Control System I.N.F.N. Naples The RPC DCS project is divided in two parts: Detector system consists of: HV-LV, gas, single-rate, front-end, cooling and ambient parameters. Trigger system consists of: Electronics (front-end, link-board…) and trigger. Some items are very important for both the systems as the FEC’s thresholds and widths, the occupancies and the single rate. Gas and cooling monitoring will be provided by others groups 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
What we want to monitor: Detector Control System I I.N.F.N. Naples What we want to monitor: HV and LV values OPC server 30 Kbytes; FEB disc. Thresholds I2C 100 Kbytes; FEB pulse width I2C 100 Kbytes; FEB temperature I2C 25 Kbytes; Single Counting Rate I2C to be calculated; Cooling system ? ? ; Gas system ? ? ; Ambient parameters ? ? . All data have to be logged into the Databases We will use different monitor rates to minimize the DB data rate 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Detector Control System II I.N.F.N. Naples Which parameters we have to load from the configuration DB for the different run-types (high/low background, calibration, RPC plateaux….): HV/LV setpoints FEB disc. thresholds; FEB pulse width; Status ON/OFF… Voltage V0/V1set Current I0/I1set Rump-up Rup Rump-down Rdown Trip time Trip At least 10 different HV-LV configurations 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
HV-LV architecture for a barrel sector I.N.F.N. Naples 26 LV channels 4 Remote Boards 17 HV channels 2 LV + I2C lines RB4 1 cc 4 LV 2 bi-gaps 2 bi-gaps 4 HV ch 2 cc 1 RB 2 LV + I2C lines 2 RB RB3 2 bi-gaps 2 bi-gaps 4 HV ch 2 cc 1 cc 4 LV 3 LV + I2C lines 1 cc 6 LV ch 3 bi-gaps 3 HV ch 1 cc RB2 1 RB 1 RB 2 LV + I2C lines 1 cc 4 LV ch 2 bi-gaps 2 HV ch 1 cc 2 LV + I2C lines 1 cc 4 LV ch 2 bi-gaps 2 HV ch 1 cc RB1 1 RB 1 RB 2 LV + I2C lines 1 cc 4 LV ch 2 bi-gaps 2 HV ch 1 cc Total Number 1560 LV channel 1020 HV channel 480 complex ch. 240 remote boards LVD channel HV channel LVA channel cc = complex channel RB = remote board EACH SECTOR 17 HV ch + 26 LV ch 8 complex ch. 4 remote boards 2 bigaps = 96 strips = 6 febs
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples SASY2000 project for RPC I.N.F.N. Naples Detector region Electronic house 4 8 … 16 HV #1 HV #2 Branch controller #1 Complex ch. 1 256 Remote boards LV #1 LV #6 Branch controller #2 HV #1023 HV #1024 Complex ch. 512 LV #3071 LV #3072 … 256 Branch controller #16 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples HV Barrel I.N.F.N. Naples The barrel system consists of: wheel 1 2 3 4 5 TOT gaps 408 2040 hv ch. 204 1020 remote board 48 240 crates 8 40 racks m 1020 hv channels 1 SY1527 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples HV Endcap I.N.F.N. Naples Each endcap system consists of: station RE1 RE2 RE3 RE4 TOT chambers 108 90 468 hv ch. 216 180 756 RDB 54 45 189 crates 6 5 21 racks m 2 8 756 hv ch. 1 SY1527 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples LV system description I.N.F.N. Naples BARREL 26 ch/sector * 12 sectors * 5 wheels = 1560 LV ch. 3 RDBs/sector 36 RDBs/wheel 180 RDBs. ENDCAP About 1200 LV ch corresponding to 100 RDBs The LV Barrel system needs less Remote Board than the HV system and then 1 SY1527 is OK 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Total number of data to monitor for HV/LV SYSTEM BRL ch. EDC ch. Values TOTAL HV 1020 1512 6 15192 LV 1560 1200 4 11040 For the Barrel we need 240 Remote Boards placed in 40 HV distribution crates. For the Endcap we need about 380 RBs but the number depend on the geographical distribution of the HV distrib. crates (under discussion) 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
spare Strip and front-end board summary RB4 …… 120 chambers I.N.F.N. Naples Barrel Sectors spare RB4 …… 120 chambers RB3 …… 120 chambers RB2 …… 120 chambers RB1 …… 120 chambers Total number of FE Channels: 180 x 192 = 34.560 (RB1i , RB1e , RB2) 60 x 288 = 17.280 (RB2-special) 240 x 96 = 23.040 (RB3, RB4) -------------------------- Total = 74.880/16 Ch. = 4.680 FE boards x 1.2 ( spare) 5.600 FEBs 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
96 channels + 96 channels + 96 channels Electronic architecture for barrel sectors 4-10 I.N.F.N. Naples 5 MasterLinkBoards 10 SlaveLinkBoards 2 SLB 2 SLB RB4 96+96 channels 96+96 channels 1 MLB 1 MLB RB3 96 channels 96 channels 1 SLB 1 SLB 1 MLB 96 channels + 96 channels + 96 channels RB2 1 SLB 1 SLB 96 channels + 96 channels 1 SLB 1 SLB 96 channels + 96 channels RB1 1 MLB 1 MLB 96 channels + 96 channels spare 5 optical links bi-gap = 48 strips = 3 FEBs 96 channels = 6 FEBs
96 channels + 96 channels + 96 channels Electronic architecture for all the other barrel sectors 5 MasterLinkBoards 8 SlaveLinkBoards 1 SLB 1 SLB RB4 96 channels 96 channels 1 MLB 1 MLB RB3 96 channels 96 channels 1 SLB 1 SLB 1 MLB 96 channels + 96 channels + 96 channels RB2 1 SLB 1 SLB 96 channels + 96 channels 1 SLB 1 SLB 96 channels + 96 channels RB1 1 MLB 1 MLB 96 channels + 96 channels Box MLB SLB Sec 4-10 1 5 10 Other sec 8 Wheel 12 60 Barrel 300 500 spare 5 optical links/sectors 60 optical link/wheel 300 optical link barrel
19536 Threshold + 19536 width + 7224 temp. FEB monitor/control data I I.N.F.N. Naples BARREL: 78 FEB/sector * 12 sectors * 5 wheels = 4680 FEBs 9360 Threshold + 9360 width + 4680 temp. 13 I2C lines/sector = 780 I2C lines ENDCAP: 2544 FEBs (4 chips) 336 I2C lines 10176 Threshold + 10176 width + 2544 temp. spare TOTAL number of FEB variables to monitor: 19536 Threshold + 19536 width + 7224 temp. 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
spare FEB monitor/control data II I.N.F.N. Naples Barrel FEBs are equipped with 2 front-end chips (8 strips each) and 1 temperature sensor corresponding to the following parameters to monitor and control: 2 threshold values (hardware defaults of 200 mV); 2 width values (hardware defaults of 100 ns); 1 temperature value. How many operations/bytes do we need to read/write this parameters with the I2C?? Read width/thresh. 2 write + 1 read 5 bytes Read temperature 2 write + 1 read 5 bytes Write width/thresh. 3 write 5 bytes spare 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
spare FEB monitor/control data III 117 Kbytes 94 Kbytes I.N.F.N. Naples To monitor all the barrel FEB parameters we need: 46800 bytes (width) 46800 bytes (thresh.) 23400 bytes (temp.) To write a “new” width and/or threshold we need: 46800 bytes (thresh.); How often do we need to monitor them ? example How often do we need to modify them ? High background To reduce the dead time 117 Kbytes 94 Kbytes 50 KB/h 1.2 MB/day spare 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples More DCS items I.N.F.N. Naples Gas system: The Gas system group will provide us also the slow control system to integrate in our DCS. Cooling: The slow control for the cooling will be developed with the DT people or by a CERN group. Ambient: The ambient temperature and pressure will be monitored using the DT system. We are discussing about the humidity monitoring. 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Single Rate and occupancy I I.N.F.N. Naples The Single Rate and the occupancy are very useful data to monitor: the performances/aging of the RPC detectors They are also very sensible to the background conditions, to the HV working point, to the Gas mixture and to the FEB threshold and so can be used as an indirect monitor of these variables/systems. After some discussion we would like to propose to monitor them per chip (8 strips) with a refresh rate less than 30 sec in order to able to react in a short time 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Single Rate and occupancy II I.N.F.N. Naples The histograms parameter and time window should be programmable through the I2C line. The total number of channels to monitor are 9.360 in the barrel and about 10.000 in the endcap. Now the questions are: How many bytes do we need per each histograms ? How many CAN-bus lines do we need ? How many bytes do we need to store in the DB ? In which cases we want to write them ? Which is our loading rate into the DB ? 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples
Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples Conclusion I.N.F.N. Naples The HV/LV system prototype 0 is under test until the end of 2002. We are working on the PVSS II software in Naples and we will begin to develop the HV-LV code as soon as the SY1527 mainframes will available. Some items are still under discussion but I hope to write a note about the RPC DCS before the end of the 2002. A strong collaboration with the Poland and Finland groups is now very important. 18/02/2019 Pigi Paolucci, I.N.F.N. of Naples