Year 10 P.P.E.s (Pre-public examinations) Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Year 10 P.P.E.s (Pre-public examinations) Preparing for Success
Exam Clash Arrangements Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Year 10 PPEs Monday 19th - Friday 23rd February - in Clark Hall Timetable to follow Exam Clash Arrangements If you have a clash between 2 exams please see Miss Blenkiron as soon as possible to reschedule 1 of them. You must attend lessons as normal when not sitting an exam
Information – Make sure you attend your exams and bring what you need Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Exam Procedures and Information for Students Information – Make sure you attend your exams and bring what you need Exams will take place in CF01 (Main Hall) Students with Access Arrangements (readers/writers/laptop) will be given an individual timetable which will advise them which room they should go to for their exams – Clash arrangements to be made with Mrs Allen-Ross Know the dates and times of all of your exams – if you are not sitting an exam you must go to lessons as normal Please go to am registration every morning – once you have seen your tutor make your way to the hall If you arrive late for an exam go straight to the exam hall/room and speak to an invigilator Coats and bags should be placed in lockers or the store room near the hall – do not leave valuables in coat pockets or bags Check the seating plan displayed on the corridor window near the hall before each exam Please wait to be called into the exam hall Extra time cards should be displayed on your exam desk
Regulations – Make sure you understand the rules Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Regulations – Make sure you understand the rules Be on time for all your exams – arrive 5 minutes before. You must not take into the exam room: a mobile phone, an iPod, a MP3/4 player or wrist watch/smart watch that has a data storage device – these items should be handed into reception before your exam. Unauthorised notes/revision materials are also not allowed into the exam room. Only take into the exam room the pens, pencils and any other equipment which you need for the exam – these items should be in a see-through pencil case/container. Calculators – remove any cases, lids or covers which have printed instructions or formulas. You should use black pen. Do not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, highlighters or gel pens in your answers. You may only take water into the exam room, this should be in a plain bottle with the label removed.
Instructions during the exam Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Instructions during the exam Always listen carefully to instructions Remember to put your name and your teachers name on every answer booklet/sheet of paper If you have a question please put your hand up and an invigilator will come to your assistance At the end of the exam Your exam paper(s) will be collected by an invigilator Do not leave the exam room until you are told to do so Advice and assistance If you are unwell and unable to come into school please let school know as soon as possible See Miss Blenkiron as soon as possible to re-arrange any missed exams See Miss Blenkiron as soon as possible if you have a clash between 2 or more exams Good luck!
Richmond School & Sixth Form College Year 10 PPE Exam Timeline January North Yorkshire Year 10 PPE Exam Timeline January Fri 19 Jan - Year 10 PPE (Pre Public Exams) launch assembly February Mon 5 - Fri 9 Feb – MFL Speaking PPEs and Practical PPEs: Digital Photography, Art, Drama, Dance HALF TERM: 12 – 16 Feb Mon 19 - Fri 23 Feb - Year 10 PPEs in Clark Hall March Fri 23 Mar - Year 10 PPE results assembly and collection Wed 28 Mar - Aiming High 4 reports available EASTER HOLIDAYS: School closes on Thursday 29th March.
Key things are…………………… Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Key things are…………………… Find a way to revise that suits you- there is no one way that works! If you revise you are likely to do well If you don’t revise you won’t do well 4 weeks to go!
A-side Period 3 & B-side Period 4 Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Revision workshop Wednesday 24th January A-side Period 3 & B-side Period 4
Do not…………………… Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Do not…………………… Watch television whilst revising Have your mobile phone to hand unless you are using it for revision purposes Think you can’t revise or don’t need to Listen to ‘friends who tell you they are not revising- they probably are! Think you can’t do it- you can-remember ‘Mindset’ is everything! Only revise the subjects you like or are good at
Richmond School & Sixth Form College North Yorkshire Do......................................... Get your notes up to scratch and plug any gaps – do this NOW. Ask for help if you need it Divide your work into chunks/sections so that you can start ‘topic based’ revision. Get yourself organised – use file dividers to organise your revision notes – then SHRINK your notes. Revise several topics in one evening/day/afternoon. Think about PPE Results Day……Friday 23 March 2017