Ms. Brantley Aug. 27-31 ASSESSMENTS HOMEWORK IMPORTANT DATES Math-Tuesday, Aug. 28 ELA-Wednesday, Aug. 29 Social Studies-Friday, Aug. 31 HOMEWORK MONDAY: Study Reading Vocabulary (on back) and definitions. Study Math Review Sheet (Test tomorrow), study Social Studies study guide. TUESDAY: read Most Common Words list. Study Reading Vocabulary. Study Social Studies study guide. WEDNESDAY: Study reading vocabulary and Social Studies study guide. Get test folder signed. THURSDAY: Math sheet, study for social studies and reading vocabulary tests. HAVE A GREAT LABOR DAY HOLIDAY! IMPORTANT DATES Last day to order class shirts is August 31st. Fall Pictures-9/13 Labor Day-9/03 (NO SCHOOL) READING NEWS Reading Vocabulary-Students need to be able to read words and know the definitions. Parents: Listen to your child read for 10 min, each night.