CHPE422: Bioprocess Engineering Lecturer: Dr Sagheer Onaizi Office : 5D-40, College of Engineering
Course Objectives The key objectives of this course are to provide students with fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of Biochemical Engineering to enable students to analyze and solve problems related to enzymatic reaction engineering, mass transfer limitations in biological systems, microbial growth kinetics, bioreactor selection, design and optimization.
Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students shall be able to: Quantitatively analyze enzyme systems. Quantitatively describe the growth of microorganisms. Select and understand the operation of bioreactors. Learn principles of bioreactor analysis and design. Develop sufficient skills to read current literature in the bioreactors field and pursue further understanding of the material. Understand where the field is heading and identify future opportunities.
Textbook and References Shuler M.L. and Kargi F. “Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts” Prentice Hall 2nd Edition (2002) References: Biochemical Engineering, Blanch and Clark, Marcel Decker, 1997. Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Doran, Academic Press, 2006.
Assessments Project: (10%) Quizzes: (10%) Assignments: (10%) Mid term one: (15%) Mid term Two: (15%) Final exam: (40%)
Projects Format Students required to submit the hard copy of their projects. The hard copy should not exceed 10 pages A4 size, including front page, appendices, etc.). The text should be made in 12pt font using Times New Roman style with 1.5 line spacing. References should be written in standard scientific way (check the literature). A direct copy of the work of others (including Internet resources) will be considered plagiarism.
Project Reviewing Procedure After project submission, all students are required to present their work in the class. A peer review practice will be applied to all presentations. Presentation will carry significant percentage of the final project mark. Students who did not present their work on the specified date and time will get zero in the presentation section, which might be up to 50% of the overall project mark.
Late Submission of Assignments All assignments must be submitted on due date during lecture. Any assignment submitted after due date WILL NOT be accepted and student will get zero in that assignment.
Quizzes There will be Quizzes taken in class Any student misses a Quiz WILL get zero in that Quiz. Quiz date may not be revealed to students (Surprise Quiz).
Plagiarism Policy As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions (not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties: copy the work of another student; directly copying any part of another person’s work; summaries another person’s work; use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work; or use experimental results or data obtained or gathered by another person. cheating during exam
Attendance Policy As per the University Absentee Regulations Uon-RR-AP-1-2009, Absentee warning notice will be issued to a student according to: “Absentee Warning 1” has to be issued to student who has missed 5% of course contact hours. “Absentee Warning 2” has to be issued to student who has missed 10% of course contact hours. “Drop one Grade” has to be issued to student who has missed 15% of course contact hours. “Barred from Examination” has to be issued to student who has missed 25% of course contact hours.
Introduction Why are you taking this course? What is your background in biology?
Difference between Scientists and Engineers Microbiologists, biochemists, and molecular biologists are scientists, well-trained in empirical testing of hypotheses. Engineers develop theories based on mathematical models, use models to predict performance, optimize and develop processes.
Difference between Scientists and Engineers Scientists often pursue knowledge while applications may take a secondary role. The work of engineers is often driven by economics of an application and problem solving.
Penicillin: “Birth of Biochemical Engineering” 1928- Alexander Fleming was plating Staphylococcus aureus and the plate was contaminated with mold – near the mold no bacteria grew. (Mold is formed by microscopic creatures belonging to the Fungi Kingdom) 1930-1940 British scientists Florey and Chain at Oxford developed a process to produce penicillin from the mold. Penicillin kills bacteria by destroying their cell wall. It does this by inactivating an enzyme necessary for the cross-linking of bacterial cell walls. The enzyme is known as transpeptidase.
Early Work Florey and Chain asked US pharmaceutical companies to help work on the project – to develop a commercial scale process for penicillin production. Merck, Pfizer, Squibb, USDA At that time, most drugs were made synthetically. Fermentation was unproved and companies were skeptical. Problems with production of penicillin by fermentation: low concentrations, penicillin fragility and instability.
Significant Advances Development of new medium- Corn steep liquor-lactose (which increased penicillin production by 10 times). New strain isolated from molded fruit- P. chrysogenum was discovered (still used in some form). Change to tanks from “bottle plants”. Here bioreactor design started Separation of bioreactor products: liquid-liquid extraction.
Challenges Very large (10,000 gal) fermentation vessels (bioreactors) were built. These bioreactors require: 1. Sterilization of air and feed 2. Agitator seal 3. Heat removal 4. Recovery and purification of penicillin At that time, Merck realized that men who understood both engineering and biology were not available. Cooperation between engineers and scientists was critical (Merck specifically formed teams of each). “Biochemical Engineering” was born as a result.
Generalized View of a Bioprocess
Typical Bioprocess FlowSheet RAW MATERIAS Nutrients and Reactants in Aqueous Solution (may contain insoluble organic and/or inorganic materials) Air CELL SEPARATION 1). CELL DISRUPTION 2). PRODUCT EXTRACTION PRODUCT CONCENTRATION PROCESS FINAL PRODUCT DRYING PURIFICATION SEPARATION PREPARATION OF BIOMASS Innoculum Stages FOAM CONTROL Antifoam Addition pH CONTROL Acid-Alkali Addition Extracellular product Intracellular STERILIZATION BIOREACTOR Free Cells, Immoblized Cells or Enzyme Bioreactor PRODUCT RECOVERY