To confirm acceptance to abide by the Code of Conduct both in letter and spirit while dealing with the company. Not to take recourse to any unethical behaviour (Implicit or Explicit) with any Tata Power Employee for the purpose of obtaining. - Any Enquiry or Order - Any Information that may have a favourable financial impact on the vendor.
To report any discrimination that is being practiced against him by any Tata Power employee by way of either. Denying him an opportunity of participating in fair & free competition or Charging him with act(s) of misdemeanor, that has not been perpetrated by him.
Ensure compliance of all government norms on Factories Act, Pollution, Minimum Wages, Child Labor, Health & Safety Etc. No attempt to be made to unfairly discolor the reputation of such vendors in the perception of the company. Not to take advantage of any Family / Social / Political connections in obtaining an order or enquiry. Merit to be the sole attribute for association with the company. In case of conflict it is advisable to disclose in writing and dropping the same in TCOC Box placed at various locations.
To avoid presenting gifts, money, services or favours to the employees of the company beyond the customary limitation for the purpose of receiving any favourable behaviour Violation of any of the above stipulations would be dealt with firmly
Tata Power’s Concern/ Responsibility towards Contractors Fairness in pricing and selection. Ensure coercion-free business activities Foster long term stability in the supplier relationship in return for quality. Share information, pay suppliers on time and encourage those who practice respect for human dignity.
Resist gifts or donation for any favour. Avoid conflict of interest in any dealing with Suppliers / Contractors. Dissuade from misusing or damaging company property, ensure all dealing in compliance with Tata Code of Conduct. Ensure compliance with all applicable Laws and Regulations.