Pacific North West Chapter of IAHCSMM Spring Education Seminar March 31, 2012 Natalie Lind, CRCST, CHL, FCS IAHCSMM Education Director
Preventive Maintenance for People… …Surviving (and Thriving) in Today’s CSSD Environment.
Objectives: List common stressors that impact the CSSD work environment. Discuss strategies for dealing with change. Describe techniques for developing a positive work environment.
First… …a short survey.
If you answered YES to any of these questions… Welcome to CSSD!
Ever had One of Those Days?
We often… …Take better care of our equipment than we do of ourselves.
We spend most of our time Meeting the needs of others.
What’s your schedule for Human Preventive Maintenance?
Preventive Maintenance for People Skilled, productive, and positive workers don’t happen by accident; they are developed with care.
Meeting Patient Needs is Stressful Turnaround Instruments Add on cases Schedule Changes Missing Instruments Equipment Problems
STRESS Work Overload Communication Problems Personal Conflicts Change
Stress Insecurity Lack of Adequate Training Poor Planning Prioritization Problems
Conflict …is unavoidable. …can be managed.
Change Sometimes keeping up with change seems like a full time job!
How do you respond to change?
Do you work with any of these?
Remember, change brings good things too!
Change Fear Learning Frustration Patience Communication Acceptance Grieving Empathy Learning Patience Acceptance Routine …someone will change things again!
Recognize Change as a Process Know how you react. Work on improving your process. Help your co-workers adjust by creating a positive environment and a “can-do” attitude.
Change Been There. Done That. Can do it again!
We spend most of our time… …meeting the needs of others.
What do we need? Appreciation Respect Consideration Validation Empathy etc.
Our Co-Workers have the same needs!
It isn’t difficult to say: Thank you Good Job Good Morning Need some help? We can do it! Please
A True Story…
Little Changes Can Mean A Lot If one bad apple spoils the whole bunch, what can one good apple do? Natalie’s CSSD Department Experiment “Mary”
Let’s Practice
Let’s Practice some more!
We get paid to: Assemble Instruments Fill Requests Build Case Carts Decontaminate Items
We also get paid to: Be Polite & Respectful Behave Professionally Get along with our Co-Workers Provide Customer Service Maintain our Skills
Personal Preventive Maintenance Take care of your health. Get enough rest. Get away from the stresses of work. Take some time for you. Set limits.
We spend most of our time… …meeting the needs of others.
What do you want? Career Growth? Certification? A Promotion? To Maintain where you’re at? A different job?
Create a Game Plan. Follow your plan. Adjust as necessary.
Preventive Maintenance Check your behaviors. Set the pace with a positive attitude. Learn new skills and refine old ones. Contribute to your work group.
What about my co-workers?
Ever Wonder?
Wouldn’t it be nice if… People Problems were as easy to identify as Equipment and Instrument Problems?
Good News - Bad News
You CANNOT Change your co-workers. You CAN Change how you react to them.
Your co-workers have varied: Cultural Backgrounds Lifestyles Religious Beliefs Political Affiliations Personal Interests Abilities etc.
Remember that None of those differences should change how your group fulfills its’ mission.
Like a Puzzle… …each different piece is needed to make up the whole picture.
You most likely work with people... who don’t have the same work ethic as you do. who can be difficult to communicate with. who don’t prioritize the way that you do.
Remember WHY you’re here. Don’t lose sight of the purpose of your team. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!
Each day, when you come to work… …you get to decide which side of the scale you will step onto. Will you lend your “weight” to a Positive or Negative Work Environment?
You are an important part of your team! Your Team is Important! You are an important part of your team!
Your Entire Department Will benefit from a little Preventive Maintenance for People.
Preventive Maintenance for you is critical to your success!
Some Additional Thoughts…
Work for your Patients Remember why you are here. Partner with your Team.
In our fast-changing environment, everyone’s a beginner! Don’t get discouraged In our fast-changing environment, everyone’s a beginner!
Think about it Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together. - Vesta M. Kelly
The Dollar Test
Thank you for all you do!
International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management
Thank You!