OBE & Accreditation {Role in Excellence in Education} WOSA, September 8, 2018
Over time, Learning Outcomes have come to Play a Crucial Role in the Accreditation Processes {Almost} the World Over.
One Question (?) In an Institution, all the inputs - Infrastructure, students, faculty, curriculum- are Good. Qu. Will the graduates be “NOT GOOD*?”? Ans. “May be- May be Not:” We just don’t know! In OBE, we determine {By Measurement} Twin question marks. In OBE we answer both the questions. What do we understand by “Good” and then determine How Good?
In OBE, We Define “Good”. and then How to determine “How Good”?
As Accreditation is all about Quality Assurance, We need to be Sure Which Implies OBE is a Good basis for it.
Of Course, OBE is not only for Accreditation It is about “Quality of Education” Curriculum OBE Curriculum & Teaching/Learning Assessment
A Bit of History
It appears to be very promising, But In the beginning, general feeling about OBE was: It appears to be very promising, But It needs is a more clear, and thoughtful exposition of what Outcome -Based Education really is, why is it needed, and how it operates
Yes, it is needed, But what is it? Confusion Yes, it is needed, But what is it?
William Spady, (Father? OBE)
Qu. What does the term "Outcome-Based Education" really mean? “Outcome-Based Education: Critical Issues and Answers” by William G Spady Qu. What does the term "Outcome-Based Education" really mean?
Outcome-Based Education means clearly focusing and organizing every-thing in an educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do** successfully at the end of their learning experiences. This means starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to he able to do, then organizing curriculum, instruction, and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens.
In Engineering, OBE Leads to: Defining of the Graduate Profile Through Learning Outcomes Defining “Good” How do we do it?
How do we do it? Engineer?
A Couple of more Questions: Qu.1. Who Defines the Learning Outcomes? Ans. The Stakeholders of that Program. Then, Qu.2. Who are the Stakeholders? Ans. In Engineering- Industry and Academia
Qu. What are the Roles of these two components? Curriculum & Teaching/Learning Assessment Qu. What are the Roles of these two components?
Roles of the two components Curriculum and the Teaching/ Learning processes are the basis on which the program is built Attainment of Outcomes indicates that the job is well done PC and PO are completely different in their roles.
NBA-Learning Outcomes 1. Engineering Knowledge, 2. Problem Analysis 3. Design/development of solutions, 4. Conduct investigations of complex Problems, 5. Modern tool usage, 6. The engineer and society, 7. Environment and sustainability, 8. Ethics, 9. Individual and team work, 10. Communication, 11. Project management and finance, 12. Life-long learning Criteria 2 18
Actually, True The World Over If you compare WA – Graduate Attributes and NBA- Program Outcomes, These are About the SAME WA defined the profile of the graduates by articulating precisely a series of attributes, and NBA’s Pos are derived from these attributes. Actually, True The World Over
WA – Graduate Attributes and NBA- Program Outcomes Washington Accord Attributes NBA Program Outcomes. 1.Engineering knowledge, Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 1.Engineering knowledge, Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and engg. specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems 2. Problem Analysis, Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences 2. Problem Analysis, Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze engineering problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural, and engineering sciences. WA defined the profile of the graduates by articulating precisely a series of attributes, and NBA’s Pos are derived from these attributes.
Clearly, Outcomes have to be (and Are) Measurable Term in an introductory slide “make sure”
Let us take another Look at the Outcomes
Program Outcomes - POs Have to be Understood Some are difficult to Attain Also, difficult to Assess and Evaluate There is a need to reach out to Everyone on these Issues
Qu. What are the Issues Facing Us?
How to Successfully Implement the OBE?
Areas of Concern Curricula & Teaching/Learning Assessment All need to Change I quote, “Heraclitus, the pre-Socractic Greek philosopher, who said that “Change is the only constant in life”
Appears to have much wider applicability than just in Mechanics? Newton's First Law states that an object will remain at rest (or in uniform motion in a straight line) unless acted upon by an external force – F {Effort} Appears to have much wider applicability than just in Mechanics?
Primarily, Responsibility of the Faculty
There has to be a “buy- in” by Us - the Faculty
Clearly, as there is no unique (the Only) way to implement OBE. So,…
Qu. What Needs to be Done for Successful Implementation? {NBA} Debates Discussions Research Difficult, But Doable!
Thank You