Living In an Alternative Facts World The truth is out there.
What are alternative facts? Fact: Late 15th century, from the Latin factum, meaning ‘do.’ Something that exists or has occurred. Alternative fact: 2017, from Kellyanne Conway. A phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway during an interview, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration. The alternative to reality.
Is the term ‘alternative facts’ just another way to say ‘lie?’ Consider De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, the greatest work by Nicolaus Copernicus. Before he published it, the world accepted that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun and planets rotated around it. Published in 1543 (about 20 years before Shakespeare), Copernicus’ thesis stated that the earth orbited the sun, rather than the other way around. You could say that Copernicus had ‘alternative facts’ that later proved to be true.
The Evolution of Facts Ptolemaic System (fact) Heliocentric System (alternative fact)
Should we dismiss alternative facts altogether? “Serious people who enter the public square armed with alternative facts will welcome the opportunity to explain themselves. Those who can’t or won’t are charlatans, falsely presenting speculation, wishful thinking, or baseless assertions as alternative facts. “Charlatans should be judged harshly for the damage they do to our democracy.” - Robert Stoker, “Yes, There Are Alternative Facts. That’s Different From Falsehoods.” Washington Post, Jan. 31, 2017.
Then again, … … some people are just outright lying to you. How will you know fact from fiction? You must do your homework.
Conspiracy Theory Micro-Unit Select one of the conspiracy theories from the ones listed on the following slide. Create a PowerPoint or Prezi that addresses the following: What are the known facts? What are the conspiracy theories around the event? Should we believe the conspiracy theory or not? Three minutes minimum, four maximum. You may work in pairs.
Conspiracy Theories – others must be approved JFK Assassination Big Pharma Reptilian Elite Fluoride Paul McCartney is dead Elvis, Tupac are alive Princess Diana Pearl Harbor Shakespeare not Shakespeare Pan Am Flight 103 11. Chemtrails 12. War for Oil 13. Global Warming 14. McCarthyism 15. Subliminal Advertising 16. The New World Order 17. The Moon Landing 18. The Holocaust 19. Area 51/Roswell 20. 9/11