RPS Year 8 Homework Menu : Spring 2 : Moral issues Each half term, you are required to complete two pieces of homework. You will be given two deadlines; one for the first piece of homework, and one for the second. You may choose which of the three tasks you complete for each homework. Pay it Forward – end of topic assessment Deadline : ________________ #1 : P.I.F Assessment Complete all four tasks in as much detail as possible: In your own words, explain why the world could be described as disappointing. You must think of two examples and explain them in detail i.e. war and poverty. Who is to blame for the world’s problems and why? Do we cause the world’s problems, or are there other factors to blame, i.e. nature or even God? Explain Trevor’s ‘pay it forward’ idea. How does it work? How did Trevor intend for it to have a positive effect on the world? Did pay it forward work over time? Why/why not? What are the strengths and weaknesses of pay it forward? Identify one strength and one weakness and explain it in detail. What impact would this system have in the U.K if everyone followed it? #2 : P.I.F task 2 This homework is to be completed after you have finished watching the film, and your assessment is complete. Make a conscious effort to ‘pay it forward’! Remember – you need to try and help three separate people to do something that they cannot do by themselves i.e. help someone to lift and carry an item that is too heavy for them to lift alone. You may ask the chosen three to pay it forward if you wish! Write a short (100 words minimum) paragraph explaining what you did, and how it felt. Was it challenging? Why/why not? Deadline :______________ Name Tutor RPS Class