Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Toolkit Introduction me + background Goal of PREPARE NSW project = co-design toolkit to enable emergency preparedness together with pwd, family, & carers; leveraging routine interactions that service providers have with their clients in the community
PREPARE NSW received funding from: The Community Resilience Innovation Program, Office of Emergency Management, NSW Department of Justice A program funded under the joint State and Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program acknowledgement
Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness: Overview PCEP Toolkit - consists of a user guide and series of three videos that show it in action Excerpt
Cross-sector Advisory Committee Co-designed with 115 stakeholders from disability, health and emergency management sectors in NSW Cross-sector Advisory Committee Field Test Participants: people with disability and chronic conditions community-based service providers Co-design process – methodology in two phases over 1 year duration (2017-18)
Click to add text State and national level advisors Knowledge hubs
Field tested with people with disability/chronic health conditions and their service providers in the community
How did we get to the PREPARE NSW project and the PCEP toolkit? DIDRR NSW project (2015-17) – focused on bringing together CSO and ESA – raising awareness about DIDRR
Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) DIDRR – ensuring that pwd have the same opportunity to access emergency preparedness info, to participating emergency preparedness programs in their community, and to be included as a valuable stakeholder in all phases (preparedness, response, recovery) of local DRR. Principles
DIDRR: Local Emergency Management Guidelines That project led to local guidelines for DIDRR Wheels spinning relative to each other PREPARE NSW – providing tools and resources – leveraging role of provider to enable preparedness in their clients
PCEP: A conversation in 4 stages PCEP is a conversation in 4 stages 2 components: Emergency preparedness – 5 steps that everyone can take (know local hazard risk; make a plan; get home ready; be aware; look out for each other) Person-centred planning & care – active voice; client led; strengths based; advocacy role of provider
1. Ask reflective questions to determine individual level of emergency preparedness During field test – we learned that we needed this stage upfront
2. Engage in interactive discussion about functional capabilities and support needs in everyday life 8 areas How we got to them CMIST: communication; medical; independence; supervision; transportation
8 elements – highlight social connectedness and what we learned about embedding this into the tool rather than having social network as separate tool Reviewing capabilities and support needs in everyday life – what I do, where I do it, who I do it with - Starting from position of strengths enables person-centred care
3. (Re)Consider functional capabilities and support needs in the event of a home fire or natural hazard emergency 2 prompts: shelter in place; evacuate to place of safety Shared learning – providers and clients learn together about 5 steps to preparedness Client identifies support needs in emergency situations Provider advocacy Client self-advocacy (provide information; share resources; have the conversation….)
4. Communicate the plan Key Point: Remember to involve the person's informal support network. Together they should discuss how they will plan and act together in an emergency. Gaps in an individual's support network can provide direction for enabling preparedness through formal support and advocacy. Communicate the plan with support network – extends preparedness to whole family Providers increase their preparedness and share with their families & friends.
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