LMEP Primary Singing Support Pack Monday 3rd September 11.15-12.45
Overview of this session Assess our vocal confidence in the context of whole class teaching and consider how we might address any future needs Introduce and explore Primary Singing Support Pack Plan ways of incorporating songs into our teaching Consider ways in which we can work with schools to use the Singing Support Pack
Expectations of WCIT Whole Class Instrumental Teaching - teaching music via the instrument, not just (for example) teaching how to play recorder What music provision does your class have other than your teaching? AF Progression and Assessment Document (in Staff Room area on ArtForms website) What are the requirements of expectations of singing within whole class teaching? provide transferable skills which children can use after their year of WC What music provision does your class have other that your teaching? – in many cases – no other provision so have an awareness of National Curriculum expectations for the year group you are teaching
Expectations of National Curriculum: 4 pillars – Performing, Composing, Listening, Reviewing 5th pillar (actually 1st ) – Singing – I am a Singer Singing – Step 3, LKS2 I can sing in tune with expression (using dynamics, phrasing) I can perform a song both on my own and as part of a group, to an audience, with increasing clarity (diction) I can sing with good posture and breathing I can sing songs with a more complicated texture e.g. partner songs and 2 part rounds I can set a starting pitch for a song
Singing in WCIT How do you incorporate singing into your WC teaching? How confident are you in singing in the classroom? – take a minute to think about your vocal confidence – what do you need to do? What are your development needs? How can you address it this year? important for us to have consistency of approach
LMEP Singing Support Pack Resources for Primary Schools to engage in and lead singing activities – hard copy and digital; CPD through Music Connect; Singing Challenge Vocally appropriate songs for Primary in range of styles and themes Sarah Crowley – Vocal Co-ordinator Vocal warm up, Take 5 Styles, A Healthy Life
Song Task How can you incorporate one of these songs in your Primary Whole Class teaching? Plan an activity that you could use to respond to one of the songs, try out activity and prepare to share Groups – same instruments if possible Breakout rooms – Ballroom, Bar, corridors, Calverley NOT Woodhall or upstairs landing
Time to reflect These songs can be used with any Primary context – Whole Class, National Curriculum, Small Group, Big Sing How can we proactively work with schools to support and encourage them to use these songs?
Shared singing Bob Diddley Bob Dim dom Paula.Brookes@leeds.gov.uk