Informal Services for different kinds of learners? What do they need? Some learners uncomfortable with ‘e’ aspect Need to offer choice – ePortfolios should be an option, not a norm or an obligation Need to learn how to reflect - early!! More drive in subject/course specific areas If institutions don’t recognise skills, learners won’t Learners need to see the use Informal Services for different kinds of learners? What do they need? Owner in control! How can you get learners to take the initiative to reflect? Learners don’t always realise the importance of reflecting on personal experiences too Time to reflect! Identify achievements Owner needs to have control over what others see and areas for improvements / development Encouraging inclusion of activities outside of traditional learning environment Links to advice and guidance services
Assessment Courses / modules Records of achievement Skills (transcript) Skills (other) Resources Practices Institutions Employers Range of activities Deliberate / incidental Technologies involved Collaborative Complex /Rich/ Dynamic Learning Space Learners’ usage Practices Family / friends Agencies Click here for details Assessment Accredit - how? Presenting Recording Forms of Evidence Confidentiality C.V. e.g. Leadership Validation Time? Contributors/ Stakeholders Formal Learning Informal Learning
Presenting / recording Confidentiality Validation Time Stakeholders Assessment Presenting / recording Confidentiality Validation Time Stakeholders Privacy Ownership Access Currency