Meeting Part 2: Computer Maintenance & Password Security Intermediate Computing Group Purbeck U3A Wed 28 th March 2012 Ian Mackenzie 1 Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Topics for Discussion n 1. Housekeeping – dealing with temporary files. n 2. An idea for memorable passwords 2 Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
1. Housekeeping n Dealing with superfluous temp files n Using Disk Cleanup n Defragmenting n Tuning the Registry 3Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Dealing with Temporary Files n Using %Temp% in Run window n Deleting temp files in Windows/temp folder n Use of utility e.g. TempClean 4Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Finding ALL Temp Files n %Temp% reveals them all! n Block them with the mouse n Delete! n (If you use it bypasses the trashcan) 5Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Windows Temp Folder n Biggest culprit! n Use short-cut to C:/Windows/Temp n Block & delete as for temp files 6Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
TempClean n Freeware n Easily downloaded from the web n - Java 1.6 is required 7Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Use Disk Cleanup n A good MS utility n Clears out internet trash as well as temp files and trashcan n You can select what to remove and what to leave 9Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Using the Defragmenter n Broken up files on hard drive n Linking the parts 10Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Analysis & Defragmentation 11Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Tuning the Registry n Command Centre for all programmes n Needs clearing up of loose ends n Various packages available Purbeck U3A – 28/3/1212
Registry Tuning Packages n Commercial e.g. Registry Mechanic n £20 per year! n Freeware e.g. RegCure Purbeck U3A – 28/3/1213
PC Tools Registry mechanic – opening screen Purbeck U3A – 28/3/1214
2. Memorable Passwords – an idea! n You need: n 1. Old house number + street/road n 2. Locality of the road n The further back in your memory the better – old lasts longer! 15Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
The password n Make up your password from number+road OR road+number n e.g. 16overslade OR overslade16 n Best to use lower case throughout 16Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Memory Aid n Record the locality with the length of the P/W n E.g. as 16overslade is in Bilton and is 11 characters long…. n So memory aid is: 11Bilton 17Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
Memory Aid Plus! n Note that the length tells you where the digits are…… n It also gives you an extra memory jog as to the length n You can record this fairly confident that it cannot be decoded…. 18Purbeck U3A – 28/3/12
19 Happy passwords!!
Purbeck U3A – 28/3/1220 The End!