Direct Bond – Dry Lining to Masonry Backgrounds Fix Dry Lining and Plasterboard Products to Interiors
Direct Bond Introduction Dry lining was introduced to speed up the completion of building projects by cutting drying times. The basic concept is to stick plasterboard to walls using a gypsum based adhesive product, and finish either by skimming with Thistle Finish Plasters or taping and jointing where tapered edge Plasterboard is used.
Direct Bond What do you know? What type of Gyproc Plasterboards are used in dry lining? How are the joints reinforced? What is the minimum thickness of a dab of adhesive? Where are Gyproc nailable plugs used? What is the reason for using a parge coat?
Direct Bond Wall Alignment The first step when direct bonding to a background is to check the wall is suitable, ie, is the wall stable, is the wall dry. Then find the high point of the Wall.
Direct Bond Setting out Transfer the high point onto the ceiling, add 10mm for adhesive dab plus thickness of board to be used. use this point to mark corners of wall and strike lines on ceiling and floor with a chalk line.
Setting out cont’d Depending on the width of Plasterboard Direct Bond Setting out cont’d Depending on the width of Plasterboard that is used, mark the position of the Plasterboards onto the wall with an off cut of Plasterboard.
Gyproc dri-wall adhesive Direct Bond Gyproc dri-wall adhesive Gypsum Based Adhesive for Plasterboards and Gyproc ThermaLine boards. Suitable for high, medium or low suction backgrounds Supplied in 25 Kg sacks Coverage for a 25kg is 6m2 of board (2 boards per bag)
Applying adhesive A full bead of adhesive should be placed Direct Bond Applying adhesive A full bead of adhesive should be placed at all wall intersections and around any openings doors windows etc. This should included any cut outs in the boards for services
Direct Bond Applying adhesive Typical service treatment
Application of adhesive Direct Bond Application of adhesive Trowel apply adhesive to form dabs 50mm to 75mm wide and about 250mm long. Apply the adhesive in three vertical rows to receive the first board.
Positioning boards Cut plasterboard 15mm short of the Direct Bond Positioning boards Cut plasterboard 15mm short of the floor to ceiling height.
Positioning boards cont’d Direct Bond Positioning boards cont’d Tap the board back firmly using a straight-edge until it aligns with the ceiling and floor chalk lines.
Positioning boards cont’d Direct Bond Positioning boards cont’d Gently lift using a footlifter until the board is tight against the ceiling and place packers under board to wedge in place. Apply dabs for the next plasterboard and continue the dry-lining with boards lightly butted.
Adding properties to walls Direct Bond Adding properties to walls Gyproc sound coat applied to block work party wall. Provides improved sound insulation and air tightness to separating walls
Adding properties to walls Direct Bond Adding properties to walls Gyproc DriLyner TL System Thermally upgrade external walls to meet ‘U’ values Quick and cost effective - dryline and insulate in one step
Addition component Gyproc nailable Plugs are required as a Direct Bond Addition component Gyproc nailable Plugs are required as a Secondary mechanical fix with Gyproc ThermaLine insulated boards.
You should now have the knowledge to answer the following Direct Bond You should now have the knowledge to answer the following What type of Gyproc Plasterboards are used in dry lining? How are the joints reinforced? What is the minimum thickness of a dab of adhesive? Where are Gyproc nailable plugs used? What is the reason for using a parge coat?