Welcome to English 2! Get out a piece of paper (or grab one from the back table if you don’t have one). 2. Answer the following question: If you were a punctuation mark, which would you be and why? Explain in at least 3 sentences.
A Little About Me Hometown: Flower Mound, TX High School: Marcus High School High School Activities: Band, National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Literary Magazine College: Texas A&M University College Activities: Band, St. Mary’s Music Ministry, Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology, Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education Favorite Author: Chaim Potok Favorite Book: To Kill A Mockingbird and the Harry Potter series Hobbies: Reading, writing stories, playing piano and trombone
Required Materials 3-ring binder (no required size) Looseleaf (notebook) paper Blue or black pen Pencil Red pen 3 colors of highlighters
Grading Policy Major Projects: 30% Six-Weeks Tests: 20% Semester Exams: 15% Quizzes: 15% Daily Grades: 15% Participation: 5%
Course Overview Short Stories/Literary Elements Fahrenheit 451 Animal Farm Of Mice and Men (on-level students only) The Pearl (Pre-AP students only) The Catcher in the Rye (Pre-AP students only) Julius Caesar Research
Class Rules Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your environment. Arrive and turn in all assignments on time. Begin bellwork immediately and stay on task until I dismiss you. Technology: use it lawfully; use it responsibly. Stoplight Food: healthy snacks only, no gum
Class Procedures Leaving Class Late Work Absences Re-Focus Zone Restroom Log (next to door) Pass from Mrs. Britten Late Work 10% off each day for 3 days Not accepted for major projects Absences Check Absent Binder for assignments Quizzes/tests made up within a week Re-Focus Zone
Consequences Verbal warning Student paper reflecting on rule(s) broken Parent contact and/or conference Office referral
Homework Regular Set up Remind (text @mrsrbritt to 81010) Bring binder tomorrow Bring parent signature and back to school survey by Friday, Sep. 1 (100% for daily grade) Syllabus quiz Friday, Sep. 1 (quiz grade) Pre-AP Huck Finn test tomorrow