Fairness Remember the Titans Background: There are many kinds of pioneers. Based on a true story in the 1970s, this movie tells of one such coach at a newly integrated high school who must help his players not only win but look beyond appearances and see each other in new ways. In doing so, he transforms their lives. Synopsis: In this scene, the coach defends his team when a referee continually makes unfair decisions during a game.
Describe a game that was refereed unfairly.
How does it feel as a spectator to watch a game where bad calls are numerous? How does it affect your enjoyment?
Think about the coach who intervened Think about the coach who intervened. What do you think his conscience was telling him when he watched the referee make the bad calls? How can we develop a strong moral conscience?
What are other situations when rules aren’t applied fairly although everyone’s doing their best? List those situations and brainstorm how people can be made to apply rules fairly.