Projected Budget - Fiscal Solvency Plan Unrestricted Only 2 Projected Budget - Fiscal Solvency Plan Unrestricted Only 2.71% COLA and 0 Growth estimated for 18-19 1% COLA and 0 Growth estimated for 19-20 1% COLA and 0 Growth estimated for 20-21 Description 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 State Allocation 61,735,272 62,352,625 62,976,151 Local and Federal Funds 3,134,100 Total Revenue 64,869,372 65,486,725 66,110,251 Expenditures (GF 1000 to 7000) 61,681,423 62,704,138 Step/Column 492,000 Utilities/insurance/other augmentations 200,000 100,000 Savings from GFU retirees (est 3) (405,000) (405,000)? Cost of est 5 New Faculty 571,800 571,800? Cost of PERS/STRS Incr (budget 2 yrs advance) 163,915 105,623 Budget Augmentations Remove one-time budgets/other misc changes Total Expenditures 63,568,561 Structural Surplus/(Deficit) projected 3,187,949 2,782,587 2,541,690