ENUMERATION OF ETHNIC/RELIGIOUS/LANGUAGE GROUPS Snežana Lakčević, Head of population census division Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia www.stat.gov.rs pub@stat.gov.rs
All three questions will be defined as open answers. In Census 2011 Serbia will collect data on ethnicity, mother tongue and religion. All three questions will be defined as open answers. Pilot Census 2009
Censuses round 2000 Romania Croatia Bulgaria Slovenia FYR Macedonia
Pilot Census 1-15 April 2009 - basic census forms
Basic census forms in: Hungarian Albanian Roma language Slovakian Ruthenian Romanian as prominent example (plus English) Classifications of ethnicity and mother tongue are very detailed
Pilot Census – education of Roma people 1-15 November 2009 Selected enumeration areas
2. There is no unique Roma language Main conclusions: 1. Problem related to engagement of enumerators – small number of persons with completed high school Population aged 15 and over by educational attainment, 2002 (%) Total Without school Incomplete elementary school Elementary school High High and higher education Unknown Serbia 100 5,66 16,18 23,88 41,07 11,03 2,18 Roma people 25,60 36,27 29,01 7,81 0,31 1,00 2. There is no unique Roma language 3. Large number of persons do not understand meaning of declaration on ethnicity Average age - 27,5 years 20% illiterate in contingent 10 years or more
Other issues that require attention: Very sensitive questions Municipality census commisions Criteria for enumerators: adult person with at least completed high school Selection of enumerators is responsibility of municipality census commisions and only depends on successfully finished training of candidates Intensive public campaign before census
Internally displaced persons Pilot Census 2009
Refugees Pilot Census 2009
Thanks for your attention!