AIG Freshman Meeting Fall 2018
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery CDM is offered by the state of NC Must complete before sitting for the class 90% or higher on the EOC/NCFE/teacher-made/CTE exam Online Testing Phase II Project & Defense Receive Regular Credit
Credit By Demonstrated Mastery Applications available in Room 4 Next window is February 2019, and another in July 2019 Only one attempt Myth- You cannot study or prepare. Edgenuity, Released Tests, Study Guides, and tutoring recommended.
College Visits- Schedule UNC- Chapel Hill and NC State Cancelled November- Clemson December- WCU March- Appalachian State/ Lees McRae April- UNC Charlotte/Johnson and Wales
College Visits 15-30 students Cost from $10-$60 (UNC- Chapel Hill/ NC State- $150 due to hotels) For grades 9-12 Any student can go, AIG get precedent.
Paperwork Signed every year. Outlines honors/AP/ or advanced CTE/ college-level courses Meeting requests-
Parent Meetings Dates: Topics: Monday, October 8th 3:30, Board Of Education Thursday, December 13th 3:30, Board Of Education Thursday, February 21st 3:30, Board Of Education Thursday, March 21st 3:30, Board Of Education Topics: Plan Revision Parent Input
Opportunities Research and Seminar Online courses 5th period course CCP courses Dual-Enrollment @WCU Extracurricular Math Compeition Science Olympiad Science Fair FIRST Robotics FFA HOSA Interact NHS- offered the end of your sophomore year What other opportunities would you like to see?
AIG Specialist role Research and Seminar Advocate during registration Resource CDM Coordinator
Communication Connect Ed Calls Website: Remind 101 Student Email Parent Letters Upcoming Survey- Be on the lookout!