Mode selectable switch
PEV: Mode selectable switch (in case of predominant) Yes PEV: Is there a predominant mode? No PEV: Downscaling applicable? Does the predominant mode enable the vehicle to follow the applicable test cycle? Yes, if f_dsc > 0 Yes No, if f_dsc = 0 No Downscaling of the driving cycle (input parameter: vehicle mass, peak power of the electric machine according to UN ECE R85) Number of modes which enable the vehicle to follow the applicable test cycle? Select the predominant mode Applicable test cycle Only one mode Several modes No mode Select this one mode Select the mode with the highest electric energy consumption Is there an identical speed cap for all modes? (evidence shall be given to the responsible authority) Yes No Is there a predominant mode? Yes No Select the mode with the highest electric energy consumption Select the predominant mode
OVC-HEV: CD Type 1 Test – Mode selectable switch (in case of predominant) Yes OVC-HEV in CD: Is there a predominant mode? No Does the predominant mode enable the vehicle to follow driving cycle under charge depleting conditions? Yes No Select predominant mode Amount of modes which enable the vehicle to follow the driving cycle? Only one mode No mode Several modes Identify the mode with the highest cycle energy demand (according to Annex 7, paragraph 5 where the target speed is replaced by the actual speed) Select the mode with the highest electric energy consumption Select this one mode Drive city cycle test Select the mode with highest electric energy consumption Select the mode with the highest cycle energy demand Regional option
NOVC-HEV and OVC-HEV in CS: OVC-HEV: CS Type 1 Test – Mode selectable switch (in case of predominant) Yes NOVC-HEV and OVC-HEV in CS: Is there a predominant mode? No Yes Does the predominant mode enable the vehicle to follow the driving cycle under charge sustaining conditions? No Select predominant mode Amount of modes which enable the vehicle to follow the driving cycle? Only one mode Several modes No mode Select this one mode Identify the mode with the highest cycle energy demand (according to Annex 7, paragraph 5 where the target speed is replaced by the actual speed) Average test results in the best case mode and worst case mode. Best and worst case modes shall be identified by the evidence provided on the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption in all modes (analog Annex 6, paragraph Select the worst case mode Select the mode with the highest cycle energy demand