WELCOME PIRATES!!! Crandall High School Policies and Procedures 2015-2016
CHS Admin Team David Williams - Principal Jennifer Coward - Associate Principal for Instruction Michael Taylor - Assistant Principal (A-K) Billy Edmonds - Counselor (A-K) Aaron Hoecherl - Assistant Principal (L-Z) Monica Aspegren- Counselor (L-Z)
Campus Procedures Building opens at 7:45 AM Tutorials- 8:00-8:30 & 4:00-4:30 daily You may not be in the hallways before school starts unless you going to tutorials You must have permission from an administrator to go to your vehicle during the school day Upon returning to school you must sign-in at attendance window (Mrs. Pilgreen) Building will be cleared by 4:30 unless you have after school activities under adult supervision
Cafeteria/Lunch Procedures Closed Campus- You are not allowed to leave campus for lunch Students must use the restroom on their way to, or once dismissed from, the cafeteria at the end of each lunch period. Enter/Exit Doors Please clean up after yourself!
Vehicle/Parking Expectations You must have a parking permit to park on campus You must park in your assigned space Report ALL accidents to an administrator immediately (it’s not a serious problem until you drive away without reporting it) You are not allowed to “hang out” in the parking lot
Attendance You must be present to be productive! You must attend 90% of the semester to receive credit for your classes All absences require a signed note from parent/guardian or from the doctor stating reason for absence Upon returning to school, the note should be turned into Mrs. Pilgreen It must be received within 3 days of the absence to be excused Missed assignments are your responsibility
Exam Exemptions Grade/attendance eligibility: 80+ with no more than 3 excused absences 90+ with no more than 4 excused absences You will forfeit your exemption(s) if: Grade is below an 80 (per class) You have 10+ tardies total from all classes You have 1 or more unexcused absence(s) per class Any ISS, OSS or DAEP placements in current semester You fail to take your College Board Exam
Exam Exemptions Juniors & Seniors - May exempt all classes Sophomores - May exempt three classes Freshmen - May exempt two classes Students enrolled in an AP course MUST take the College Board’s exam to maintain eligibility to exempt the final exam for the course
Prime Time Prime time refers to the first 30 minutes of each class period where you are to remain in the classroom You are not permitted to go to the restroom, lockers, library, clinic, etc. during this time unless it is an emergency situation Water bottles with lids are the only drinks allowed in academic wings & classrooms.
Hall Passes You must have a hall pass to be out of the classroom Clinic passes are specific to the location and must be signed by the classroom teacher You will be escorted back to class if you do not have a note Elevator use is prohibited unless you have a clinic note
Behavior Expectations Know the code of conduct– it will help keep you out of trouble! Stand up for what you know is right, and speak up when you see something wrong Drugs and alcohol on campus will result in an immediate removal from CHS K-9 on campus periodically
Random Drug Testing You will be tested if: Once per month Participate in extracurricular activities Drive to school Once per month Failed drug tests will result in loss of privileges
Dress Code Out of Compliance Steps: Office referral Phone call home http://www.crandall-isd.net/preview.aspx?name=ReelSpiel Out of Compliance Steps: Office referral Phone call home Consequences (ENFORCEMENT starts Monday) Lunch ISS Office Detention Friday Night Lights (possibly lose exemptions) ISS (lose exemptions)
Dress Code Solid, any colored polo/buttoned shirt with no logo Must be tucked in at all times Must wear a belt at all times No cargo pants or shorts No piercings for guys & limited to ears for girls Clean shaven except for a trimmed moustache Hair must be natural color Failure to comply will result in removal to ISS Friday Spirit Days Jeans Days
Electronic Devices CHS is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) campus We encourage technology in the classroom… The Golden Technology Rule: Cell phone use is at the teacher’s discretion DO NOT let them be a distraction Confiscated devices cost $15 to recover from Mrs. Pilgreen
Extra/Co-Curricular Activities: GET INVOLVED! (Privilege) National Honor Society (eligibility begins in your 4th semester) Student Council Band Theatre UIL Academics Athletics Cheer Drill Team Future Farmers of America (FFA) Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Debate Fishing Garden Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Anime Club
Picture day is tomorrow! Reminder… Picture day is tomorrow!
Crandall Pirates