A Christmas Carol Vocabulary
A building where goods are stored warehouse A building where goods are stored
miserable or unhappy person wretch miserable or unhappy person
Generosity, broad-mindedness liberality Generosity, broad-mindedness
arrangement beforehand provision arrangement beforehand
a quantity over what is needed or used surplus a quantity over what is needed or used
sadness and depression of spirits melancholy sadness and depression of spirits
A set of connected rooms; a group of attendants suite A set of connected rooms; a group of attendants
destined to a tragic fate doomed destined to a tragic fate
remorse regret for past action
clever or sharp in practical affairs shrewd clever or sharp in practical affairs
An inclination to do good; kindliness benevolence An inclination to do good; kindliness
forbearance Self-restraint
Confirmed, sustained, kept from falling upheld Confirmed, sustained, kept from falling
idol An admired person
meager Thin, poor, inadequate
Costly, lavish, expensive sumptuous Costly, lavish, expensive
vacant empty
Continuing in the face of opposition; enduring persistent Continuing in the face of opposition; enduring
bewildered Hopelessly confused
Totally impoverished; (Lacking when used with “of”) destitute Totally impoverished; (Lacking when used with “of”)